jeudi 8 septembre 2016

Star Trek's 50th Anniversary

Star Trek Happy 50th Anniversary, Star Trek!
"Star Trek" turns 50 - YouTube

On September 8, 1966, the Star Trek TV series went on the air with its episode "The Man Trap". It featured a salt-vampire shapeshifter that liked to pose as people's loved ones.

The Original Series, as it's nowadays called, was never very successful, and it ran for only three years for its intended five-year mission. But it got a dedicated following, including many people who liked it for being good visual-media science fiction. Some science-fiction writers even wrote for it, like Harlan Ellison and Norman Spinrad.

However, many TV stations did reruns of it, and it got even more of a following. This led to several successor TV series, along with several movies and video games, numerous novels and short stories, and even some fan-film productions.

via International Skeptics Forum

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