jeudi 8 septembre 2016

Brexit: Now What? Part II

Mod InfoThe previous thread was running slowly so here's a nice new shiny thread. As is usual, the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from posts in the previous thread into this one.
Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by Airfix (Post 11479413)
The same thing has happened in other countries in ERM. Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy which are all now struggling.

You keep peddling lies, I see. That this one is especially transparent (~20 years later and in a completely different situation and all that) doesn't seem to bother you at all. Are you at least getting paid for it?


It happens because different national economies are pulling in different directions, growing / shrinking at different rates and one size does not fit all.
Any economy with more than one actor has the exact same features. This is one of the stupidest anti-EMU arguments out there. Of course this is a problem. This will always be a problem, unless each economic actor uses his own currency.

That would be somewhat unwieldy to say the least.


Monetary union cannot work well without political and tax union (like we've have had in the UK for centuries).
And whilst the EU desires political and tax union, it's not quite there yet and has lost the popular argument for a federalised European superstate.
It lost the popular argument for the time being, mostly due to lies, like that "democratic deficit" nonsense or "unelected European bureaucrats" lie that you simply adore.

Winning a popular argument through lies is not an argument against something.


via International Skeptics Forum

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