lundi 6 juillet 2015

Why are all the blotches on the near side (of the moon)?

I was taking my regular periodic dose of various interweb comic sites, when I came across the latest xkcd.

The lack of an answer to the second question threw me somewhat. Let alone having a degree in astrogeophysics or whatever, since secondary school, I have had almost no formal education in science, and whatever I have garnered is from readings in recent years and from the posts by the good folk here.

I was wondering in a very naïve way if the Earth's gravitational pull had anything to do with the abundance of lava flow (which is supposed to attribute for the blotches) on the near side.

Considering that the moon is tidally locked to earth, wouldn't the chances of lava flow on the near side be greater?

Please don't concern yourself about being patronising, I can take it

via International Skeptics Forum

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