vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Trump should build a giant MALL across the border

Not a wall. A wall serves one purpose, and that purpose generates no economic activity. It prevents economic activity, to the detriment of both nations.

What both nations need is a way to facilitate movement of goods, money and labor in both directions.

I envision a gigantic controlled entry membrane between nations. An indoor Rio Grande water park hundreds of miles long. Free entry from either direction, free exit back in the direction entered from. Clothing stores, car sales and rental offices, hair and nail salons, labor recruiting agencies, cambios, restaurants, apartment finders and real estate agents, health clinics, banks, phone stores, shoes stores, hotels. Law offices. Tax offices. Tutors for both English and Spanish.

This is what happens: people enter and get a wristband or something, like a roller coaster park. But this one has a data chip, and when you want to leave your wristband is scanned. If you came in from the south and want to exit back to the south, no delay. Same in the other direction. Want to exit on the opposite side from where you came in? Immigration checklists, tourist visas, drug and weapon checks are part of the membrane.

One reason illegal immigration seems cost effective is the cost and complexity of legal immigration. The most important people in the entire mall is the army of uniformed movement facilitators; trained, equipped, easily recognized, bilingual and capable of helping legal movement in either direction.

I know there are a million pissy little objections to a harebrained scheme like this but a nation capable of flinging cameras at every planet in the solar system should be capable of overcoming those.

And if Trump wants to get involved, great. He IS a real estate developer, and he is, allegedly, Really Really Rich. Let him put his dang name on the thing.

Just build it.

via International Skeptics Forum

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