Left by my party? No! My party was taken hostage and now suffers from Stockholm syndrome with regard to the Conservative terrorists that took them hostage!
No, it aint, and yes, it is!
(...) Well, think again. Social democracy is 100 percent American. We may be latecomers to recognizing a universal right to health care (indeed, we are not quite there yet). But we were first in creating a universal right to public education, in endowing ourselves with ownership of national parks, and, for that matter, in conferring voting rights on males without property and abolishing religious tests for holding national office. ( ) The social-democratic tradition was nurtured by Americans both immigrant and native-born by the so-called sewer socialist German Americans who helped to build the Midwest and, inspired by the likes of Eugene Debs and Victor Berger, radically improved urban life by winning battles for municipal ownership of public utilities. By the Jewish and Italian workers who toiled and suffered in the sweatshops of New York and Chicago but then, led by David Dubinsky and Sidney Hillman, created great labor unions such as the International Ladies Garment Workers Union and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. By the farmers and laborers who rallied to the grand encampments on the prairies organized by populists and socialists across the southwest to hear how, working together in alliances, they could break the grip of Wall Street and create a Cooperative Commonwealth. By African-Americans who came north in the Great Migration to build new lives for themselves and, led by figures such as the socialist, labor leader and civil rights activist A. Philip Randolph, energized the civil rights movement in the 1930s. ( ) Americans may once again be remembering who they are and what they need to do to recapture a government now in thrall to the Money Power. And that aint extreme. Its fundamentally American. |
via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1RcIVQC
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