samedi 4 juillet 2015

How to spot(and expose) internet cancer fakers

This seems to be a growing phenomenon:

Münchausen by internet: the sickness bloggers who fake it online

In my opinion, this seems different enough from the Belle Gibson discussion to merit its own thread.

Has anyone ever dealt with a cancer faker, or someone they strongly suspected of being one on social media or cancer support forums? What exactly made you skeptical? What are the telltale signs of being a cancer(or serious disease in general) faker? Have you ever exposed one, or tried to expose one?

My recent experience with a possible cancer faker:

I recently had to unfollow someone(lets call him "Larry") on social media who I very strongly suspect of being a faker, or at least an exaggerator, who slowly infiltrated my circle of friends with increasingly bizarre, implausible stories about his disease progression. I never met this person in real life. In contrast to some of the others in my circle(mostly atheists and agnostics), I've long been the most aloof and skeptical.

It's always catastrophe followed by another catastrophe with Larry, with the occasional "miracle". For example, Larry the war veteran is dying from cancer and a serious infection and his house gets flooded and destroyed, so he leaves town to stay with friends. Unfortunately, that place burns down. Larry is in and out of the ICU with serious infections and/or internal bleeding or other serious issues, always barely escaping death. It's always a "miracle" recovery.

About 2 months ago, a "friend" posting under Larry's username claimed Larry died at the hospital, declared officially dead by the doctors, but came back to life 5 hours later thanks to Jesus. And it's always Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and Bible quotes. Oh, and a bunch of Larry the war veteran's close relatives and friends died one right after the other recently. EVERYONE in Larry's family is deceased.

The only good thing is that Larry has never asked for money or anything, except for prayers, and seems to do it just for the attention. Sometimes I think Larry also does this to try to convert us to his religion. Has anyone ever dealt with someone like this?

I admit I feel a little bad for unfollowing Larry, since Larry seems to think of me as a "friend"(I was very supportive at first). I think this person may have serious issues, most likely mental illness or dishonesty, and is extremely lonely, but they probably don't have cancer or it's not very serious. Or maybe he does have cancer and the meds and being near death make him act crazy. I think it was the endless catastrophes(this is but a small sampling) that did it for me.

Anyone have similar experiences? What's a good question to ask to try to see if someone is a fake right away? What kind of advice would you give for dealing with them?

via International Skeptics Forum

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