samedi 18 juillet 2015

Ken Ham Disbelieves In Atheists... Wait, What?

I haven't seen a thread on this yet, but Ken Ham, president of Answers In Genesis and CEO of the Creation Measuem here in Kentucky, believes that Atheists don't exist. :


Originally Posted by Christian Today
Some Americans call themselves atheists — and many in other countries openly profess atheism, but as I explain in my article below, there are no atheists now, and there will be no atheists in eternity...


...Ham argued that God gave each person knowledge, so there can absolutely be no atheists in this world. The only reason why people refuse to believe in God is because of sin.

"They know God exists — the evidence is within them and all around them. But because of their (sinful) nature, they don't want God. They are at war with God," he said. "Because the evidence within man and all around us in the creation is so strong, these atheists actively and aggressively attack Christianity and promote their atheism in order to 'suppress the truth in unrighteousness.'"

Well to that I say it's okay, Ken Ham. I don't believe in Young Earth Creationists either, so I guess that sort of makes us even.

I know that the only reason that Ken espouses the Young Earth model, God or no God, is because it makes him rich off of the gullible but it's hard to believe that anyone could believe that the earth is only about six thousand years. It does not compute any more than the fact people are still buying into Bronze Age superstitions in this modern era.

What are your thoughts?

via International Skeptics Forum

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