vendredi 8 mai 2015

My friends 1 year old

Hi. I have a one year old baby girl.... in fact turned 1 yesterday. We had a birthday party for her and asked a buddy of mine and his kids to stop in. He has a 1 year old as well. A cute little boy... chubby as hell. But I'm not sure if there is something off about him or not.... and I'm not sure if I should bring this up to my friend.

When he was here the 1 year old wouldn't eat anything. Buddy says he almost eats exclusively formula and they can't really get him to open his mouth for anything else. If you but something in his hand like toast he will put it to his mouth and kind of nibble on it.... but completely different then my little girl that eats like a pig, spoon fed or not.

Also he doesn't crawl at all. He's a big baby... a lot bigger then mine, so I thought that might be it. But he barely sits up.

There were all new people there he never seen before. So I'm not sure if he was nervous. He never cried at first but spent a long time just staring not smiling at all. After a while I could get him to smile.

Anyway, that's what I saw. Is it somewhat normal? On the edge of normal? Or should he be concerned. The other thing is his daughter, now 6 has mild cerebral palsey. So mild that if you weren't told and spent a day with them, you wouldn't now. But it does effect her balance a bit, though you could never tell watching her run on a flat surface or jumping on a trampoline... you can really tell watching her try and navigate stairs. It's assumed it was a birth injury. But now I'm not so sure. In my mind I think it might be a genetic thing... and the boy has it worst.

Anyway. Thought I'd bring it up here. Kind of worried me yesterday. And I'm wondering if I should bring it up to my friend. I think he's convinced he's a slow developer.

That is all.

via International Skeptics Forum

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