First let me state up front that the GOP is not going away. There is far too much at stake for corporations to allow the party to ever become irrelevant. Besides, our adversarial system and the vast spectrum of perspectives, goals, needs and wants will ensure that there will be at least two parties for any foreseeable future.
That said:
For the First Time Ever, Social Conservatives No Longer Outnumber Social Liberals in America

I think the long term trend is fairly clear.
That said:
For the First Time Ever, Social Conservatives No Longer Outnumber Social Liberals in America
I think the long term trend is fairly clear.
Originally Posted by Mother Jones
So why have Democrats changed so much? Perhaps it's the impact of Millennials. Perhaps it's the impact of gay marriage, which Democrats have been far more willing to accept than Republicans. Maybe MSNBC and liberal blogs have had a bigger impact than I would have guessed. I'm not sure. But the increase has been steady enough that it can't be blamed on any specific event, like the Bush presidency or the financial crisis.
via International Skeptics Forum
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