vendredi 21 novembre 2014

MH17 "secret deal" question

I couldn't find the appropriate thread, if this is debated elsewhere please link to it, thanks :)

Anyway, my question is about the following:

which seems to be lifted from:

RT link seems to be largely genuine translation, with some propaganda slant added. Elsevier wanted to obtain more information about the secret parts of the deal from Dutch authorities, and was refused.

I want to know the following:

1. Is there anything unusual about the level of secrecy?

2. What would be the SOP for an investigation like this? Is the right to redact certain parts usual?

3. Clearly RT is abusing this to push the "Ukraine did it and Netherlands and others are on board" CT. It's ridiculous, but how is this supposedly secret part of the deal explained?

I need the info for another forum :) Thanks :)


via International Skeptics Forum

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