samedi 22 novembre 2014

Emeritous senility

It is a phenomena that is most often discussed (modernly) in association with climate change, and noted, often illustrious researchers who suddenly reject a lifetime of solid and respected science careers, who suddenly veer into the alternate bizarro version of reality. Earlier incarnations, such as Hynek (skeptic and noted astronomer turned UFOphile), Linus Pauling (renowned molecular biologist turned Vit. C cures cancer crank) and William Shockley (inventor of the transistor and founder of the electronic age who became convinced that the high birthrates of uneducated blacks would undermine the civil rights movement) were disturbing but almost casually dismissed in the pre-internet era, but this has become increasingly more difficult as those of the cultist mindset now find it much easier to connect with each other and feed and foster the delusions of such cranks.

The latest such example of emeritus senility that I am aware of is Dr. J.E. Brandenberg:

A few years ago, Brandenberg hypothesized that from the ratios of rare isotopes in the atmosphere of Mars: that there was evidence of a natural nuclear reactor, like Oklo on Earth, that had exploded over 180 million years ago.


Natural Nuclear Reactors formed and operated on Earth, there is no reason this could not have happened on Mars. Conditions on Mars: lack of plate tectonics, and nearness to the asteroid belt, may have favored such occurrences in larger size and duration than on Earth. Changes in groundwater distribution, due to either climate change of loss of geothermal heat, may have triggered this event. The occurrence of such a large natural reactor may explain some puzzling aspects of Mars data, such as the superabundance of K and Th on the surface and the large inventory of radiogenic isotopes in the Mars atmosphere.

interesting science, plausible and worthy of note alongside the rest of his earlier career efforts. However, this idea has evidently fermented on a twisted vine. This interesting hypothesis has now been perverted to loonacy. In a presentation to the APS, he proposes now that the isotope ratios indicate that there was a nuclear war fought on Mars:


Analysis of recent Mars isotopic, gamma ray, and imaging data supports the hypothesis that perhaps two immense thermonuclear explosions occurred on Mars in the distant past and these explosions were targeted on sites of previously reported artifacts. Analysis rules out large unstable “natural nuclear reactors” [1], instead, data is consistent with mixed fusion-fission explosions [2]. Imagery at the radioactive centers of the explosions shows no craters, consistent with “airbursts.” Explosions appear correlated with the sites of reported artifacts at Cydonia Mensa and Galaxias Chaos [3], Analysis of new images from Odyssey, MRO and Mars Express orbiters now show strong evidence of eroded archeological objects at these sites. Taken together, the data requires that the hypothesis of Mars as the site of an ancient planetary nuclear massacre, must now be considered. Fermi’s Paradox, the unexpected silence of the stars, may be solved at Mars. Providentially, we are forewarned of this possible aspect of the cosmos. The author therefore advocates that a human mission to Mars is mounted immediately to maximize knowledge of what occurred.\\[4pt] [1] J. E. Brandenburg “Evidence for a large Natural, Paleo- Nuclear Reactor on Mars” 42$^{nd}$ LPSC (2011).\\[0pt] [2] J.E. Brandenburg, “Anomalous Nuclear Events on Mars in the Past”, Mars Society Meeting (2014)\\[0pt] [3] J.E. Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro, and Gregory Molenaar, (1991) “The Cydonian Hypothesis” Jou. of Sci. Exp., 5, 1, p1-25.

The history of what a researcher has done in the past is not always a reliable indicator of the quality of their later musings, especially when it comes to subjects beyond (but all too often within) their field of expertise. We must be careful to always judge statements by their content and not the reputation of those who make the statements.

via International Skeptics Forum

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