dimanche 15 juin 2014

White people in pre-Columbian North America

I cannot tell if the minds behind the H2 show America Unearthed really are racist, or if it's just a coincidence that nearly every episode of this show is credulous of claims that are (or were at the time they were originally proposed) informed by white supremacist leanings.

It's not like they're the only ones who spread this baloney - just look at how big a fan club the "Prince Madoc" BS has garnered. In fact, I'm rather surprised the show hasn't been all over that particular faux "legend". It's just that the "white people must've done it" line of speculation about Native American culture, customs, and constructions especially irritates me - it always has. The mannerisms of the host and format of the show are also irritating. Has anybody else happened to catch this show and been similarly irritated?

via JREF Forum http://ift.tt/1nFTZUO

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