mercredi 21 mai 2014

Should the states of Iraq and Afghanistan have been forcibly secularized like Japan?

Douglas MacArthur's order for establishing a secular Japanese state after World War 2:

"Shintoism, insofar as it is a religion of individual Japanese, is not to be interfered with. Shintoism, however, insofar as it is directed by the Japanese government, and as a measure enforced from above by the government, is to be done away with. People would not be taxed to support National Shinto and there will be no place for Shintoism in the schools. Shintoism as a state religion—National Shinto, that is—will go . . . Our policy on this goes beyond Shinto . . . The dissemination of Japanese militaristic and ultra-nationalistic ideology in any form will be completely suppressed. And the Japanese Government will be required to cease financial and other support of Shinto establishments."

Should similar decrees have been made in Afghanistan and Iraq? Maybe then they wouldn't be budding theocracies today?

via JREF Forum

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