vendredi 2 mai 2014

How did she graduate from high school?

Yesterday, one of my students visited me in my office with a question about one of the problems we had done in class. The problem was this: If a machine can toss a coin 100,000 times per second and you want it to toss the coin 2.2x1019 times, how many seconds do you have to wait? She didn't understand why we divided 2.2x1019 by 100,000 to get the answer. In such cases, I tell my students to replace the large numbers by small ones, because the power of ten may be too abstract for them. I asked her, "if you can toss a coin two times per second, how many seconds does it take you to toss it ten times?" She said, "two divided by ten?" ... Because of grade inflation - which is out of my control - she is getting a low B in my course! This is a general-education course at an American public UNIVERSITY!

Has anybody else had a similar experience with their students? Is there anything anybody can do about it?


The Skeptical Educator

via JREF Forum

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