mercredi 7 mai 2014

Brunei - the next Islamist state ?

I wasn't aware of this issue until today when I was browsing the BBC website and came across a story about Hollywood stars boycotting a hotel:


Stars of Hollywood are boycotting one of the area's most famous hotels because of a harsh Islamic penal code introduced by Brunei's government.

It seems that the Sultan of Brunei is implementing harsh new laws:


The initial phase of the new penal code introduces fines or prison terms for offences including indecent behaviour, failure to attend Friday prayers and pregnancies out-of-wedlock.

The second phase due to start later this year will cover crimes such as theft and robbery and will involve more stringent penalties such as amputations and flogging.

The most severe punishments, such as death by stoning for offences including sodomy and adultery, will be introduced late next year

The things I find surprising (and upsetting) about this are:

  • The Sultan and his family are Western educated so it's a deliberate step, not a case of ignorance

  • Brunei has sizeable non-Muslim minorities so it can't be a case of knowing no better

  • The country doesn't seem to have a failing economy so the government has no need to pander to distract from other aspects

  • We simply haven't heard enough about this - has Brunei's money bought silence ?

Of course it's all ultimately Britain's fault, thanks a lot James Brooke.

via JREF Forum

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