Looking for roomies for TAM 2014. Have rented a two-queen-bed, non-smoking, mid-level room, just as in past years. Total cost for four nights (Wed.-Sat.) is $320. Willing to take on up to three persons. At this writing, ladies okay, and persons willing to share a bed ok, too, but check with me in case I take on someone who prefers his own bed (and will pay half the room accordingly) or prefers no females. Usual conditions apply: I understand it's a 24-hour deal (both TAM and Vegas), so as long as you come and go quietly, don't wake sleeping persons, stay sober, and don't steal or break anything, all will be well. I arrive at or before 11:00am Wednesday and ship out first thing Monday. Will be doing as much of the volunteer stuff as possible, since we're all-volunteer this year, so you may not see me in the room all that much! Can reach me via this thread, or at steveb@e-z.net or even call me at 503-246-9520 in Portland, Oregon. In the unlikely event I end up unable to attend (would require severe disability or death), will pay my share of the room and will be sure that the person(s) using it can get keys at the front desk. Have never had problems with roomies at TAM and have attended every single one stateside since 2003. Either I'm easy to get along with, or I've had an unprecedented string of good luck! Oh, and we can do the floor thing, too, if people don't mind sleeping there. So get in touch, and let's do this! Steve Bauer
via JREF Forum http://ift.tt/1przZZB
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