mercredi 30 avril 2014

Prayer Rug

I just received a Saint Matthew's Church Prayer Rug.


Wrote'em a letter, I did, in response.

Saint Matthew's Churches

Head money changer

I've read and -comprehended- your book.

There's a section in it where the money-changers such as you

are beaten from their place of worship by your guy.

Reading the book, it's a chronicle of sadism, beginning with

the set up of Adam and Eve in the Garden, when the creator

by definition knew the results of placing the tree and the


A setup like that is sadistic.

Then there's the legend of the Flood, when the creator says

he really screwed up making all those people, so they have to

be drowned. Mass murder, and sadism. Who screwed up?

And any historian can point to the original text of that myth

coming from ancient Sumeria myths, adapted to fit the purposes

of the writers that use it. Gilgamesh's Tablet 11 has the

first (and still mythical) flood.

Then there's the legend of the Exodus... that's all that is


No historian bothers today to find the presence of the Hebrews

in Egypt, as there is none!

It's just chest beating and weren't we great back then, after

the tribe of Hebrews killed off all the other tribes in

Canaan, which the Hebrews had never left. (real history)

Saved the children of Isreal from Pharoah (didn't happen) but

abandoned them to Hitler. Did happen!

More sadism... Your creator "hardens Pharaoh's heart" so the

plagues could be visited on the innocent Eygptians. (Didn't

happen either)

And then there's the zombie in the New Testament. Another

figure of myth, incapable of being placed in the time

the stories say.

And the 4 stories have serious disagreements between them.

Wonderful guy.

Fear him or he'll give you phsically and mentally handicapped

children, many born with cancer. All-loving and sadism don't

go together.

What "sin" can a child commit in the womb to punished so?

What "sin" did the parents commit for the child to be punished


Sadism once again.

I see God furnishes automobiles. What brand gets Heaven's

imprimatur and does the car come with an eternal


Your prayer rug... there's a place for it.

Paul Burke

Looks like this...

I opened the prophesy.. Bad Paul, bad, bad!!!

And didn't return it! Badder Paul!

"My dear child, I have much planned for your bank account. I will direct you to empty it and send the contents to me".



My cataract surgery prevents me from seeing the magic eye in these prints, but I can see where they would be.

Attached Images

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File Type: jpg PrayerRug-page1.jpg (104.9 KB)
File Type: jpg PrayerRug-page2.jpg (120.8 KB)

via JREF Forum

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