mardi 4 mars 2014

PZ's explanation of his false rape accusation

Really sorry if this has already been posted, mods please move it if it has.

I found this rather beautifully perfect. No amount of rationalisation can escape this part of his original story:


"I had to work fast, because I knew that if it turned into a he-said-she-said story, it wouldn’t matter that she was lying, it could get dragged out into an investigation that would easily destroy my career, no matter that I was innocent."

If women are so often not believed when they say they are raped, then why did PZ think that she would be believed to such an unquestioning degree that his career would be "easily destroyed" even if they investigated him, WITH NOTHING BUT HER WORD?

In his response, he actually digs himself in even further:


Not only is my reputation spotless, and honestly so, but there’s no way to even realistically bring such a charge against me

So PZ's reputation is by his own words "spotless" and "there’s no way to even realistically bring such a charge", and yet despite this, with nothing but the word of this girl his career would have been easily destroyed anyway. Why would it have been destroyed if she had nothing but her word against his spotless immaculate record?

You destroyed yourself PZ, you can't have it both ways. Pick one, at least, but you can't act like there's no discrepancy here.

The problem is having to admit he was wrong in either case is just too much to deal with. I see his fans in the comments are too stupid to notice any of this.

via JREF Forum

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