jeudi 21 novembre 2013

Yogic siddhi powers are artificial controlled hallucinations inside their own brain

Eastern tradition has a concept of “kundalini”. Adepts of eastern tradition believe that the power of kundalini lies coiled at the base of the spine and special training and special techniques can free kundalini power – can lift kundalini power upwards in the spine towards the top of the head. Gurus of eastern tradition claim that kundalini is very powerful force and that incorrect handling of kundalini will cripple or even will kill a man. Spiritual gurus claim that correct handling of kundalini can turn human into semi-god, who for example can turn off the Sun using his power of will. And here we have very important moment. It is obvious that if somebody would turn off the Sun even for a second, then the Earth planet would fly out of its orbit and even if the Sun would be turned on again, the orbit of the Earth would be changed irreversibly which would cause cataclysms and life on Earth would perish and so on. It is obvious that super-yogis who claim that they can turn off the Sun using their kundalini power, turn off the Sun not in the real physical world, but instead they turn off the representation of the Sun in their brain. In other words, the Sun stops its existence only in the brain of super-yogi however the physical real Sun remains shining for all other remaining people.

In the highest levels of yoga yogis learn to turn off/on the representations of objects in their brain and learn to manipulate these representations in various possible ways.

And this is the underlying mechanism of so called “siddhi powers” – supernatural magical powers like telekinesis, teleportation, levitation, etc.

All these “siddhi” phenomena happen inside yogi’s brain and not in the real physical world.

In the highest stages of yoga yogis learn to induce artificial controlled hallucinations inside their own brain – yogis are able to create, to destroy and to manipulate in all possible ways the representations of objects inside their own brain.

The same yogic “siddhi powers” in scientology are called “superpowers” which are attained at “operating tetan” levels (the highest stages in scientological “bridge to total freedom”). The founder of scientology L. Ron Hubbard coined an acronym MEST which stands for matter, energy, space and time, the component parts of the physical universe. Scientologists claim that by completing scientology courses, it is possible to eventually attain "cause over MEST" — the ability to control matter, energy and spacetime in the physical universe, free of the encumbrance of the body.

Yoga schools have detailed techniques and exercises for mastering the highest stages of yoga and yogis spend decades of life trying to evolve skills for inducing artificial controlled hallucinations inside their own brain. Only very small percentage of yogis achieve this desired goal.

via JREF Forum

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