ABSTRACT A relatively novel acoustic phenomenon has inundated the Internet and specialized literature. Several Associations, some of them with an important number of members, have formed around it in many countries. In the Anglo-Saxon world the phenomenon is called EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) and is usually assumed as electronically mediated communication from or with the deceased. The first tests aimed at verifying the reality of these claims were carried out in Sweden and in Germany, in 1964 and 1970, under the direction of Professor Hans Bender from Freiburg University (Bender, 1970; 1972; 2011). The present report describes in detail the tests designed to record the allegedly anomalous electronic voices, or EVP, under controlled acoustic conditions. Series of experiments were carried out in Vigo, Spain throughout a period of two years under conditions controlled to the highest degree achievable. Several operators were involved in the many tests conducted in Acoustic Laboratories and professional recording studios equipped with very high levels of acoustic shielding. The protocols and procedures followed in the experiments, as well as the results obtained, are herewith described. Several extra voices were recorded during the many experiments performed for which no normal explanation was found. |
Taken from: http://www.neuroquantology.com/index...e/view/571/536
The whole study is in the link.
All I could find is that the author is a believer in the afterlife:
Anabela Cardoso, a career diplomat and successful ITC operator, is the author of Electronic Voices, Contact with Another Dimension? She talks with Sylvia Hart Wright, author of When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic’s Guide to After-Death Contacts. Dr Cardoso describes some of her motives for using electronic means to explore unknown domains of reality and outlines her results. She has carried out hundreds of conversations with communicators who identify as her deceased family members and other unknown personalities and affirm to speak from a dimension beyond time. According to her communicators, the survival of all forms of life--not only human--after physical death is part of the Natural Law. |
Taken from: http://www.neuroquantology.com/index...ticle/view/595
Here is what I have found:
If someone has some more skeptical information please share. Thanks..
via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=269141&goto=newpost
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