Posted By:Agatha
Originally Posted by Michel H (Post 13501853)
In the "Strong field tests" section, wikipedia says:..
8 June 2021: Michel H persists with "first order in G" ignorance about perihelion precession.
8 June 2021: Abysmal "it has not been quantitatively proved" ignorance from Michel H when he knows about Tests of general relativity - Strong field tests.
And adds
8 June 2021: Abysmal "first order in G" in Equation 3 ignorance from Michel H.
Gravitational Radiation from Point Masses in a Keplerian Orbit (PDF) by Peters and Mathews (1963) has Equation 3 which is a solution from linearized GR with only the "quadrupole approximation" (source dimension is small compared to the wavelength). G only appearing once in Equation 3 is not an ignorant fantasy of dropping higher terms. Multipole expansion is the next page and does explicitly drop J > 3 terms of the Fourier components of the radiation.
via International Skeptics Forum
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