mardi 10 septembre 2019

Are Anti-Establishment Sentiments Strong in Present Day America?

I'm starting this thread to put an end to the perpetual derailment of the 2020 Democratic Candidates Tracker - Part II thread.


Originally Posted by Belz... (Post 12815222)
Good, so now you admit that they existed, at least.

Oh, I'll freely admit they existed. I was merely pointing out that I proved they don't demonstrate what you naively thought they demonstrated.


And I told you I didn't say it contradicted it. You're just not following.
Oh really, now? Then to what set of data are you actually referring here:


Originally Posted by Belz... (Post 12813421)
I rejected the poll bacause a much more reliable set of data contradicts it.


That's amazing. I've done the same with you!
I haven't seen it.


I've listened. I just don't AGREE WITH YOU. You think the two are one and the same.
I don't care whether you agree with me or not. I'm merely pointing out you simply have no evidence with which to support your opinion.


I know what it means, hence my comment.

If anyone else wants to join in....Welcome! I totally understand if you'd prefer to skip this circus, however.

via International Skeptics Forum

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