No. But interesting.
I was 18, and was staying overnight at a friends. She was due back from work around 2am, so about midnight, I went upstairs to take a shower. A minute later, I heard a scraping noise. It was the sound of a ladder next to the house. A man with a stocking for a mask was climbing through the window. He was carrying a large butcher knife.
My scream was one that I know I had never emitted, never experienced before. Nor have I since.
Then, I heard running up the stairs. For the first time, feeling restless, my friends boyfriend had decided to go to her house and wait for her to get off of work.
Those who heard the story always had the same responses. They went from "guardian angels", "spirit guides", "divine intervention", even to astrology for showing it wasn't my time.
There was a time that I would have bought into divine intervention. This forum has helped my progress. It has answered questions, and I appreciate it.
I was 18, and was staying overnight at a friends. She was due back from work around 2am, so about midnight, I went upstairs to take a shower. A minute later, I heard a scraping noise. It was the sound of a ladder next to the house. A man with a stocking for a mask was climbing through the window. He was carrying a large butcher knife.
My scream was one that I know I had never emitted, never experienced before. Nor have I since.
Then, I heard running up the stairs. For the first time, feeling restless, my friends boyfriend had decided to go to her house and wait for her to get off of work.
Those who heard the story always had the same responses. They went from "guardian angels", "spirit guides", "divine intervention", even to astrology for showing it wasn't my time.
There was a time that I would have bought into divine intervention. This forum has helped my progress. It has answered questions, and I appreciate it.
via International Skeptics Forum
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