vendredi 19 juillet 2019

Backups, archives and long-term storage

I haven’t seen anything recent on the subject, so hopefully I’m not rehashing old news.

My aim is to:
  1. Consolidate the content of multiple HDDs, CDs & DVDs
  2. Remove duplicate files
  3. Backup to (probably) SSD HDDs
  4. Backup the backups
  5. Store them securely

The content is primarily scanned documents (invoices, statements, tax records etc) and photos (scanned from negatives or prints and original dSLR files).

I’ve pretty much got 1&2 above sorted, what I’m interested in is what is the best medium for #3 and best options for #5.

#3. I’m leaning towards SSD drives for backing up.
Is this medium a long term storage solution?

For instance I have many folders of CDs and DVDs that I’ve used for this purpose in the past, but of course haven’t got around to transferring the really old ones to new disks. Something I promised myself I’d do, as back in the day there were massive online arguments about the longevity of both the disk medium but also their readers.

I’ve just upgraded to a slim laptop that lacks a DVD reader for instance.
Thus the impetus to clean up old backups and the interest in SSD.

#4. Current intent is to merely make SSD drive backups of the SSDs themselves and probably store them in a separate location to the “originals”

What are the alternatives?
The Cloud is an obvious alternative, but is it a long term alternative and how secure is it?
Things move so swiftly in technology, how future proof is Cloud tech and how can you guarantee that the server/company has longevity?

My main concern is security.
1. Physical security - what are the chances of crashes wiping my data?
2. Hacking security - what are the chances of theft?

#5. Once I have my backups - where/how to store them?
We are considering a fireproof/waterproof safe for the house anyway for other items such as jewellery, so are their any reasonably priced solutions - even DIY?
Are there particular types that are more conducive to protecting electronics?
We live in the subtropics so humidity probably needs to be considered.

Any suggestions or personal experience will be appreciated.

via International Skeptics Forum

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