(I had to remove all links)
I noticed the other day on a comment about books from East Germany's stasi era: "Zersetzen: Strategie einer Diktatur, von Sandra Pingel-Schliemann" (books which have become very popular lately), how police in current day Germany, after happily inviting ehemalige stasi operatives to change arms wholesale to their ranks, have started to use such techniques as Zersetzung (a form of psychologically and biologically harming, torturous gaslighting) and gang-stalking for social "self-policing" and as "social control" mechanisms (in the U.S. there are many snitching and perpetrating gangs with names such as "shared responsibility committees" (SRC), which are part of the wide and thick so-called "total awareness" infrastructure). They are organized and coordinated by the highest levels of the government. Even private store front businesses proudly display their participation in the "nexus" program (a city-wide web of snitches).
This is definitely happening across all "freedom loving" Western countries in a vertically coordinated fashion from socially organized stalkers to big business using not only pets for their Pavlovian/Skinnerian psychological "research", but non-consensually "Americans" (as gringos tend to exclusively call themselves as they talk from their higher grounds) and "unAmerican" earthlings, as well. Why would they torture pets?, for their meat when they have cows, chicken, and all that plastic ***** they blend with it?, or, for their brains/minds? Since dogs are social animals: (bred to suffer: theintercept 20180517 inside-the-barbaric-u-s-industry-of-dog-experimentation/?comments=1#comments)
All kinds of "scientific" and "engineering" cultures in all kinds of university and research centers (as during Nazi times, psychologists are the Naziest of them all) are very much part of it and, of course, they are smart enough to clearly see evil to its face in what they are doing:
// __ Google employees finally wake up and realize theyre working for PURE EVIL
AI drone terminator project meets internal resistance
// __ Former DARPA exec to head shady Facebook project called Building 8 centered around augmented reality and brain-scanning technology
// __ Technocracy At Google: How Personal Data Enables Total Social Engineering
// __ Google worshipers applaud their own total enslavement as Google AI unveils near-perfect human voice mimicry tech
but they choose to believe the little lie, stupid story the government tells them in order to get the government fundings. As it happened during MK-Ultra times, none of them, not even symbolically, has ever offered any kind of open technical or moral explanation or apology for their participation as part of those "social control", non consensual experimentation and torture programs. Besides, "such things only Vladimir Putin would do".
If I had to explain this to regular, "unencumbered" folks out there I would call it MK-Ultra on steroids. In those times, the government emphasized that "experiments" be conducted non-consensually on "unwitting subjects in their regular social situations" (unsuspecting subjects' own their natural living environments, monitored real time without them having a clue at all or for the most part not knowing what was going on).
The Internet has given USG/GCC (Global Control Conglomerate) their holy grail: a portable TV doubling as the perfect platform for silly protagonism and mind and body bracelet for life. The dependency of "We the people" on all kinds of "smart" devices has given them just what they wanted: zero comma nada privacy and total panoptic control for the proles, while securing layers and layers of obfuscation, secrecy, "legal" corruption and red tape covering their actions to extremes way above and beyond of what the stasi and the KGB could have fancied in their wildest dreams.
Let me share with you some of my personal experiences for you to see how things concretely happen. You just write and post out there a poem:
hsymbolicus wordpress poems (lies ...) and your router gets bricked. You write letters complaining about it to social institutions (none of which pays any attention to it even though (as they tell you): "they know this 'happens'") and you openly talk about it and your telephone and Internet access gets disconnected for 8 months. Then, when you bring ACE Innovative and Verizon to court, even if you bring network logs (you can't possibly have made up) as evidence which they can check from their ends, to which they explicitly admit, as well as confirming based on their own logs that: "yes, the telephone and Internet access I had been paying for was cut off", but the judge dismissed my case because ... " (ready?): "you have no way to prove that the reason why you couldn't get a job is because you didn't have phone and Internet access!" (now that is a KGB style catch 22!). An alarming aspect of that crap is that, for the most part, it has an AI feeling to it.
All of a sudden you start noticing bed bugs in your apartment and you proceed to thoroughly and repeatedly clean it and you put your mattress in a plastic cover, then you start noticing bed bugs in the bed you use at a shelter where you volunteer, you stop sleeping in that bed (start sleeping in random places on the floor of the sanctuary), then you start getting what seems to be scabies infections (even though the virus causing it is anaerobic) and that happens to you -repeatedly-. My doctors wondered and asked me in front of my girlfriend how was I able to get such infections repeatedly and you may, as well; but they don't stop there; as they make you go through such episodes, they make all kinds of people (at times in groups/organized gangs) wherever you go or are, crazily scratch their bodies around in theatrical ways and when you browse your crush (kpop Choi Soo Young) you find on youtube and from any other search engine you use videos, pictures of and links to people with all kinds of skin diseases ...
Comparing USG with the stasi is an odd joke (I know firsthand, I lived in East Germany in those times). The stasi didn't even use computers. They had to manually write down their notes, manage paper files and use paper index cards even smaller than those Hollerith Lochkarten. There were, how many?, three (3)?, thirty-three (33)? cameras all over Ost-Berlin, which locations everybody knew and were neither computerized nor did they have pattern recognition capabilities. In a country of 17 million people, they could maximally monitor 4,000 fixed telephones, many of which were used by more than one person and neither the software nor the computing power and storage capacity to do real-time speech-to-text existed. Now, compare that with their capabilities nowadays to automatically record, store, index and monitor real time all the information consciously generated by yourself (what you say, write, read, ...) and all kinds of information and data you secondarily create (an exact shopping bill) and marginally associate with (GPS) as you conduct your daily life (everyday detailed records of your whereabouts, your medical records, your buying records and preferences, ...) of every single individual in a cross-correlated and zeitgeistable way (they can make all this data go back in time as it relates to just one individual and her/his life and associates and even drive it prospectively into the future) and all of this happens automatically! That niggah was king of right when he said: "nobody is listening to your phone calls": (Obama: 'Nobody Is Listening to Your Phone Calls'), the good politician he his (if there was such a thing as a "good politician" (I mean, notice his faces and those of the people standing by, how they project the right mannerism)). He made fun of a whole nation with a straight face! He did not tell you, that "they don't even need to listen to your phone calls, really"! How 1950's is that?! They are "just" speech-to-texting, recording, and indexing real time all you have ever said on or done with your phone and to whom for good in a cross-correlated way. You would expect for someone who sat his black rear end in law school for 12 years studying "Constitutional Law" in all those fancy universities to have done something about FISA courts and corruption (as he initially promised), but, no, he ended up boasting about drone strikes, especially the double taps aspects of it; joking about "not having expected to have been so good at killing people ..."
Things are getting so out of control that even though I (as 47% of the U.S. population in the past, most contested election ever) didn't even care to vote, mind any of it (to me all that kind of non sense is like practicing voo-doo), I actually found as a quite hopeful event that the people chose Trump as U.S. President. Oh, God! The status quo in the U.S. hates that to no end and they don't seem to be able to ever come to terms with that. Yet, with all his well-known, consistent and openly histrionic and explicitly tactless character, racism, ...: he reverted laws put in place by Obama to give the regular police in the U.S. the right to acquire all kinds of military-grade weaponry (including Direct Energy Weapons), has the balls to fire sacred cows of the so-called "Intelligence Departments", has even renounced to a salary as a social service officer (Great Lord! How corrupt is that!?!), doesn't give a ***** about the media (in fact, he enjoys using and making fun of them), has been the only sitting U.S. President who has questioned in no-ambiguous terms that "good Christian" thing of considering what people do to you "terror" but what you to them "errors" (even if USG, their acolytes and local collaborators have 8x the genocidal ratio of Nazi Germany during WWII and not a single one of their "freedom of the press" media venues touch any of it with a 10 feet pole, in fact, I believed they unemployed O'Reilly for "not handling" well Trump): euronews (in English): Republicans slam Trump for suggesting US as bad as 'killer' Putin
When the Catholic Church discovered that Celtic monks were praying in an interpersonal, Hippie way (we Christians used to pray like they do in other Abrahamic religions, Muslims and Jewish people), they quickly realized how to put that to good use and make such "new developments" profitable, so they instituted and made mandatory the Sacrament of Penance in order to know what "'sinners' had in their minds" and make them pay for it.
They don't even need the Sacrament of Penance, nowadays. "We the people" do them the favor of divulging, even classifying for them all our illusions of that thing they used to call privacy. They have such a degree of control over every single individual in society that they have been non consensually selling your predictive information to marketeers
(theintercept 20180413 facebook-advertising-data-artificial-intelligence-ai/?comments=1#comments), which makes you wonder at which point they will be selling your prospective health bill to big pharma and medical companies in a country where only 4% of medical effort in invested in avoiding illnesses while 88% in selling pharmaceutical products and medical services.
Many people, after being harassed and tormented for years (which is also part of their "experimentation"), have done harm to themselves and other under the belief that to be the only way to exercise their self (they think the government is "reading", "has hijacked", is implanting ideas and dreams in their minds, ...)
What is new? Well, yes, USG has a long history of not only having wild dreams about social control but also experimenting on unsuspecting people:
wikipedia Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_Stat es
wikipedia The_Plutonium_Files
but USG is past trying to emulate the Catholic Church, they are actually trying to play God with the help of all IT companies and all social institutions (they "legally" bully them into compliance using gag orders, "'National Security' reasons", "mutually beneficial insider discretionary cultures", . . .). The most scary aspect of this all is not even that (as they think of it) this is all "purely technological", "ideologically neutral", "Constitutional", "legal"; ... "it does not relate at all to morality", ... but that "We the people" don't seem to see the dangers of it all with open eyes and clear consciousness, since all we are doing is looking into our cell phones, so, we can't read or comprehend any idea which scope and meaning doesn't fit on its screen size (ach! that Constitution!?!, too much scrolling!). The NSA even makes fun of people and people don't even realize it. They themselves say the issue is not if they can and do collect all that data, but how they use it, when the "smart" kinds of @ssh0l3s they are, they will certainly find profitable uses for all that data in order to justify salaries. People did not react after Snowden revelations. They just rationalized it all as "metadata".
Nowadays, the whole of society is the control group. TIs are the ones getting the freak treatment. How not to become a TI? Pray to their AI Gods! No one knows the answer to that question. Even if you become an indistinguishable penguin within the well-behaved strata of society, they may need those kinds of penguins for "R&D". All we know is that now as then their AI God is "all-powerful" and "all-knowing". As they play their Godly AI chess with all that data they may take notice of you and there is nothing you can do about it. Many people have discovered as they did during Nazi, East German stasi and KGB times, that there isn't such a thing as "good intentions" or just offering "token help" to them. Once you say yes, to them they will own you, ruin your life for good, since you have no way of influencing whatever they understand as "helpful": theintercept 20171010 recordings-capture-brutal-fbi-tactics-to-recruit-potential-informant
// __ Ella Free (channel with many interviews to TIs)
// __ Dr. Katherine Horton - Stop 007
via International Skeptics Forum https://ift.tt/2MBYeSw