vendredi 6 avril 2018

How competent were the Nazis?

So, since the election of Trump I've been reading all I can on the Nazis. Seems like a prudent thing to do. Currently I'm halfway through the Nikolaus Wachsmann book KL which is an astonishingly detailed blow by blow over how the concentration camp system evolved.

In it I found that my previous conceptions of the system of camps was mistaken. Instead of being a top down plan it was a thing that just happened because the SA couldn't help themselves and started rounding up people. Leaving the Nazi leadership to figure out what to do with them. For a long time they just stumbled along more intent on retribution than order.

And this book in conjunction with several others is revealing to me that the Nazis were not the methodical planners I imagined. They were largely incompetent, attracted to the party in large part because it was somewhere losers could thrive by simply being brutish.

So were the Nazis just the violent idiots of Germany, kept aloft by a larger image of German efficiency and planning?

How competent were the Nazis?

via International Skeptics Forum

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