mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Help, advise needed!

So, about 5 months ago I bought a new, cheap Dell laptop for $200. It has been nothing but trouble, which has caused me to phone Dell tech support several times. Then, a few days ago I got a virus, and once again I called.

I was told that the virus could be taken care of, new protection would be installed, and the on going problem of it being so slow would also be fixed. I gave them my credit card info to buy the protection.

The virus was gone and the computer working, but it was still running frustratingly slow.

This morning I received notice from my bank that I was overdrawn. It turns out Dell tech charged me $400, though I am still under warranty.

How should I handle this? I wrote Dell, and am getting ready to call my bank. Can anyone advise me?

Thanks so much.

via International Skeptics Forum

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