mardi 17 octobre 2017

Gut problems - off to the doctor!

I have some 'interesting' issues with the ol' digestive tract so I'm heading off to the doc this morning. Try your IANAD thoughts vs. his. The symptoms -

General loss of appetite.
Sometimes the onset of slight nausea while eating, so I have to stop.
Occasionally nausea when faced with food, so I can't even start.
Sometimes nausea after eating.
(all this gets worse if the food is rich or strongly-flavoured)
Liquidy foods such as hefty soups are much more appetising than anything drier such as grilled or fried stuff.

Recently, for the first time ever, some episodes of slight constipation.

Back in the summer some violent diarrhoea. This stopped when I stopped drinking loads of fresh orange juice.

General lack of energy.

At the mo I seem to be living on about 1,000 cals a day and have no fat on me, so time for the doctor :)

via International Skeptics Forum

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