jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Free Health Insurance†

After my health insurer and another health insurer dropped out of the
marketplace because Trump announced he would stop paying premiums
to insurance companies I panicked.* It looks like two remain but they
haven’t announced their commitment to offer insurance. Fortunately,
it looks like the Affordable Care Act has written it provisions for such
a marketplace failure; and so, one can get free health insurance.†


Trump's Health Subsidy Shutdown Could Lead To Free Insurance by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press

If President Donald Trump prevails in shutting down a major "Obamacare"
health insurance subsidy, it would have the unintended consequence of making
free basic coverage available to more people, and making upper-tier plans more

The unexpected assessment comes from consultants, policy experts, and state
officials, who are trying to discern the potential fallout from a Washington health
care debate that's becoming even more complicated and volatile.

What's driving the predictions? It's because another subsidy that's part
of the health law would go up for people with low-to-moderate incomes,
offsetting Trump's move.

Fingers Crossed.

* I’d be forced to knit together about 20 of the new micromed plans that cost $5 to $25 a month to get full coverage.
† Individual income taxes may rise to $695 per month per taxpayer. ‡
‡ Never read the fine print. You won't like it.

via International Skeptics Forum

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