mercredi 7 septembre 2016

WA Attorney General wants AWB


Ferguson’s proposed legislation has two key elements:
•A ban on semiautomatic weapons with military-style features that render them more easily concealable or more deadly; and
I wonder what these will be? The deadly pistol grip? The immoral bayonet lug? The threaded muzzle used by assassins to attach silencers?


•A limit on magazine capacity — currently unlimited under Washington law — to a maximum of 10 rounds of ammunition.
This will lead to a run on mags. How will they know which ones are pre-ban unless they ban them all?


“The recent tragedy in Mukilteo drives home the need to act with urgency to end the availability of weapons designed with only one purpose — to kill people,”
This old stupid trope. I guess the other 99.9% of us are using them for the wrong purposes?


My proposal will ban some of the deadliest weapons, while respecting the Second Amendment right to bear arms.”
I doubt it as assault weapons as usually defined are rarely associated with crime in WA.


Sen. David Frockt (D-46) and Sen. Kevin Ranker (D-40) are working with Ferguson to craft the legislation. The proposal will be modeled after successful assault weapon laws in other states, such as New York and Connecticut. The courts have determined these states’ bans to be constitutional.
Successful because it was "not struck down by the courts" or because of lives saved? I'm not aware that it saves lives at all.


Unlike the bans in some other states, Ferguson’s proposal targets only sales, grandfathering current gun ownership. The legislation would not require registration of existing weapons.
I wonder if mags will be grandfathered also. Senator Kline and two others tried for eight years to gut the fourth amendment rights of gun owners in WA; even the Seattle Times thought it was a bad idea.


This legislation will save lives.
I hope it does, I doubt it will.


A recent poll presented by Washington Ceasefire and Ceasefire Oregon showed that 65 percent of adults in the two states — including a great many gun owners — favor an assault weapons ban and want lawmakers to act.
311 people in WA and OR are not representative of WA residents in my opinion.


Attorney General Ferguson will file this legislation in December.
Supporters of the bill will probably be outnumbered ten to one by those who oppose it.


via International Skeptics Forum

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