When you can simply legislate licensed dealers out of existence. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to:
California Assembly Bill 2459
First, for those of you that believe firearms dealers aren't regulated:
AB 2459, as introduced, McCarty. Firearms dealers: conduct of business.
Under existing law, a firearms dealer or licensee means a person who has a valid federal firearms license, has a regulatory or business license, has a valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization, has a certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice, has a license granted by a duly constituted licensing authority of any city, county, or city and county, and is among those recorded in the centralized list of licensed firearms dealers kept by the Department of Justice. Existing law regulates licensed firearms dealers and provides that a license is subject to forfeiture for a breach of specified prohibitions in existing law.
There's a bunch of new hoops a licensed dealer would be required to jump through, but if this bill is signed into law, here's the stake in the heart of retail firearms dealers in California:
The bill would, commencing January 1, 2018, require a licensee to obtain a policy of commercial insurance that insures the licensee against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the theft, sale, lease or transfer or offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm or ammunition, or any other operations of the business and business premises, in the amount of $1,000,000 per incident, as specified. The bill would also provide that these provisions would not preclude or preempt a local ordinance that places additional or more stringent requirements on firearms dealers regarding insurance pertaining to the licensee’s business.
I've already spoken with a very well informed insurance broker (that is in no way connected to the firearms business and is not a gun owner or shooter - he has no dog in this fight) that told me his first reaction on reading this that there wouldn't be an underwriter alive that would offer a policy to any business or individual that would be subject to this section as written - and he didn't limit his comment to firearms dealers. His opinion was that this section as written was intended to force any type of business engaged in selling consumer products to cease operation.
I doubt Jerry Brown would sign this, but like rust, anti-gunners never sleep and Brown is in his last term.
California Assembly Bill 2459
First, for those of you that believe firearms dealers aren't regulated:
AB 2459, as introduced, McCarty. Firearms dealers: conduct of business.
Under existing law, a firearms dealer or licensee means a person who has a valid federal firearms license, has a regulatory or business license, has a valid seller’s permit issued by the State Board of Equalization, has a certificate of eligibility issued by the Department of Justice, has a license granted by a duly constituted licensing authority of any city, county, or city and county, and is among those recorded in the centralized list of licensed firearms dealers kept by the Department of Justice. Existing law regulates licensed firearms dealers and provides that a license is subject to forfeiture for a breach of specified prohibitions in existing law.
There's a bunch of new hoops a licensed dealer would be required to jump through, but if this bill is signed into law, here's the stake in the heart of retail firearms dealers in California:
The bill would, commencing January 1, 2018, require a licensee to obtain a policy of commercial insurance that insures the licensee against liability for damage to property and for injury to or death of any person as a result of the theft, sale, lease or transfer or offering for sale, lease or transfer of a firearm or ammunition, or any other operations of the business and business premises, in the amount of $1,000,000 per incident, as specified. The bill would also provide that these provisions would not preclude or preempt a local ordinance that places additional or more stringent requirements on firearms dealers regarding insurance pertaining to the licensee’s business.
I've already spoken with a very well informed insurance broker (that is in no way connected to the firearms business and is not a gun owner or shooter - he has no dog in this fight) that told me his first reaction on reading this that there wouldn't be an underwriter alive that would offer a policy to any business or individual that would be subject to this section as written - and he didn't limit his comment to firearms dealers. His opinion was that this section as written was intended to force any type of business engaged in selling consumer products to cease operation.
I doubt Jerry Brown would sign this, but like rust, anti-gunners never sleep and Brown is in his last term.
via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1Mq456J
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