mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Why does Triggering occur? (obviously triggering thread)

It's so interesting to me how the mind works. And especially as an INTP and I think borderline Aspie in life, I've often struggled with either sticking my foot in my mouth and saying the wrong thing. Or totally missing out on understanding the emotional impact of something.

A good example would be this scenario.

One time a woman told me that she was watching a younger child and the older son (about 10) came home with his mother who was flipping out on him. He started to run up the stairs. She said to me "Can you believe what happened next.....his mother grabbed him and started dragging him down the stairs while he was screaming!"

She looked at me waiting for a reaction and I said "So what happened next?" It almost didn't register that she was traumatized by witnessing abuse herself.

I wonder sometimes if I was exposed to so much of it growing up that I'm sort of just numb to it. But then every once in a while I'll be cruising along in the middle of a conversation and fwammo. It's like a flip of a switch.

I know it's probably really dumb to try to rationally understand why it occurs but that's how I am able to deal with things better. It's not an attempt to "push it away or down" rather an attempt to be comfortable with allowing it out.

I'm often so overwhelmed that it takes weeks to recover from a single memory. Then other times I'm completely fine with it. So I'll be able to discuss things, even graphic details in a very scientific way.

Then it's like out of left field. Flash back. Full on Panic attack. A sensation of screaming at the top of my lungs in an echoed room. Of course I don't do that but that's what it feels like. An urgency to do this.

So why? What causes this? What kind of evolutionary reason would there be for this? And why is it that traumatic memories can take you back into a moment where you can become completely petrified with fear in the modern world, older, nowhere near danger, not at risk.

I've never understood this about Triggering. It was only a few years ago that I realized what was going on at all.

Also just a request that everyone be polite and respectful to participants in the thread.

Here is a definition of Triggering for those who may be unfamiliar with the term.

via International Skeptics Forum

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