mardi 22 septembre 2015

"Accuracy in Politics" - anyone got any info?

Sorry if I started this in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to put it exactly. Mods, if I'm wrong please feel free to move it to the appropriate forum.

Does anyone have any information on the people behind the blog "Accuracy in Politics"? From what I can tell they haven't posted anything since 2013 on the blog, but a skim of their posts leads me to believe these people are falling on the right-wing side of the nuthouse. The reason I ask is because of one of their older posts that my sister posted on my Facebook wall that called into question the investigative abilities of the people behind the website; I'd like to be able to refute her with some facts on my side beyond the quick skim I've given of the website that leads me to believe the people behind it are little more than conspiracy theorists who think Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood (or did in 2013 at least) and thinks that organization is trying to take over America, as well as a lot of other crazy stuff. I tried looking up the people behind the blog, but I'm not having much success. Any ideas where I can get some facts to back up Snopes guys?

via International Skeptics Forum

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