dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Progressivism Empire of Lies


Tea party racism
Rape Culture
War on women
Pay gap
Trevon Martin and Ferguson
The mystic pizza that won't serve gays

What do these all have in common, they make up the empire of lies that is the progressive movement. Why lie? Because it fits a narrative that whites are racist, there is a war on women and that evil corporations are screwing over poor people.

Why create the false narrative? Because these progressives need justification to grab as much power as possible.

They want to install massive government regulations on everything from campus free speech, a federal takeover of local police forces and also government takeover of business and private property.

How about this progressives, stop lying come up with a solution that can actually stand on its own principles without stooping so low as to lie and call everyone else racist sexist homophobic rednecks.

Social Security is going broke, medicare is going broke, high corporate taxes are killing american businesses and the disastrous economic policie of this clown president have resulted in 22 Trillion dollars in debt and gdp growth less than 2%.

Merry F**(Xing Chrismas!

via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1LWorDh

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