Originally Posted by anglolawyer (Post 10838805)
I have actually thought of a theory that explain everything. Rudy may well have been a washing machine repair man, providing a 24/7 service, who was called to fix the damn thing by 'Mez' (yuk). That would explain both his presence and the indisputable but otherwise inexplicable fact that the machine was in perfect working order.
On your point, as Mach is not here to say it, I will do so for him. It doesn't actually matter whether one can make sense of the washing machine being warm, the point is they lied in failing to explain why it was. This is what also make's Curatolo's evidence decisive. He proves they lied because they did not admit to being in the square and it doesn't matter a jot whether his evidence is internally coherent or |
Acc. to Italian procedure it is now up to you to prove no feces in the wash. Why? Because since I can assert it, it must be part of the osmotic consideration.
Posted By:kmortis
via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/1fDXsmK
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