samedi 18 juillet 2015

[Split Thread] Civil and common law, adversarial and inquisitorial systems

Mod Info These posts have been split from a FMF discussion to make a new thread to discuss the differences between common law and civil law, and between adversarial and inquisitorial systems.
Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by Loss Leader (Post 10772478)
More likely forensics books or police detective courses. No new law was made in that case.

I thought ISC created law when Cheffi said Amanda and Raffaele's fate were to be determined by Guede's case, and when they knew he had the legal right to silence in perpetuity. I bet both arms that is brand spanking new law.
For relevance to this thread, I bet that annoyed Dan O, and was a reason for his general impatience with process and the easy ride given to posters who thought that was just fine.

via International Skeptics Forum

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