mercredi 15 juillet 2015

If Jesus were running for president.

I had a long Facebook argument with a group of people that ended up mostly with me banging my head into a wall.

The question was posed - If Jesus were running for president what would his platform be? So, what followed was a subjective argument by everyone that posted that basically backed up their own position on the subject - in other words, everyone's "Politician Jesus" agreed with their own views on the subject.

Pro gun-control people just knew Jesus would be pro gun-control.

An avid pro-gay marriage advocate was convinced that Jesus would be pro - gay marriage.

And so I thought the more interesting question is - If Jesus were a politician running for president, what about his agenda would you disagree with?

I posted that question on this very Facebook thread and not surprisingly, not one person would answer it. (sort of proving my point).

So, anyway - I thought I would post that question here where it might actually get a real answer.

via International Skeptics Forum

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