mercredi 22 juillet 2015

eBay trick/flaw?

I may have uncovered a trick or a flaw, depending on how you view it, on eBay.

I had a bid for an item that opened at $1, and I put a max bid of $50 (all numbers in this thread are fake, since the bidding is still open and who knows who reads this forum). The current bid then became $2, with me as the highest bidder.

Then I got an email that said I was outbid and the current bid is $51.

Checking the bidding page, it still says I am the highest bidder at $2, but is encouraging me to raise my max bid to $52 or more.

I refreshed all pages, checked the validity of the email, and everything seems to be the OK.

Then I noticed one bidder had made a bid of $51, then retracted it 4 minutes later and put in a bid of $5.10. Looks like he put the decimal point in the wrong place. Accidental?

Or was it intentional? I think it exposed my max bid for four minutes to either the seller or the other bidder(s). Now they know what my max bid is, don't they (potentially)?

Has anyone else had this happen? Any comments?

via International Skeptics Forum

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