lundi 4 mai 2015

Why did you choose the particular handle you use on this forum?

Hi, all. (Fairly) long-time lurker. Love this site, and I’ve followed with great interest a good many threads on different topics, including some of the much older threads as well. I’ve now registered and got my log-in handle, and look forward to talking -- with, I have to say, some amount of trepidation (given the rather exacting standards of this forum, which I welcome, but also am just a wee bit leery about!),

This is my very first post here. I thought I’d say Hi, and also ask you why you people have chosen the handles you use here. A few of these handles are obvious enough (probably shortened versions of your own names), but most are quirky.

Most forums abound in random handles, but I thought people here, given the full-on rationality of (most) folks on here, might have some reason (or at least some kind of quirky half-reason) for choosing their particular handles. (Not that rational folks are not allowed the occasional random choices when the fancy takes them, of course.)

Also, what better [ and non-controversial — or so I hope! :) ] ice-breaker to get to know people?

via International Skeptics Forum

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