lundi 11 mai 2015

Please help me parse these patents

I know that not every patent granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office necessarily works as described. I have three that I'd like to know if anyone here can build and operate or tell me if they believe they will work as described. The first one was granted almost 40 years ago (!) in 1976, the second one 20 years later to the month, and the other in 2002 to the U.S. Air Force. You can see these patents in their entirety including abstracts and schematics, as I'm sure you know, at Google in their patents department. Their numbers are: 3951134; 5507291 and; 6470214.

I have spoken with the daughter of the first patent holder by phone, which patent holder has been deceased for some time. If she still lives at the same place, I still have her contact info. If you'd like to discuss more about that, please contact me privately.

I have reason to believe that these patents are in use as I write this and have been for a long time. This, although I can't be sure because I don't have the technical expertise to totally understand the ramifications of the patents, hence this thread. I'd like to know for sure, if possible if these machines work as described. Thanks any respondents.

P.S.--Are there any professional statisticians, preferably employed by the U.S. Government or an accredited U.S. college or university here who might like to help me compete for the $1 million James Randi Paranormal Prize to share in half the winnings? I don't know if they'll allow me to say this here, but I don't believe they will ever award that prize to anyone because thousands of people have tried for it over more than half a century, if I'm not mistaken, and not one has even passed the preliminary testing! I'm willing to try though with a little help; it would be worth big publicity just for applying, which upon submitting my application, I will send out press releases about my attempt, which publicity would be well worth it to me!

Time is of the essence so, please answer A.S.A.P. either on this thread or to me personally. Thanks again!

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