lundi 2 mars 2015

Newly found ancient submerged cities, structures. 10.000 years old or more.


"Pictures are worth lotsa words."


Submerged structures/cities...How old were these structures when they were submerged?

Ten, fifteen, or twenty thousand years old? Older?

Since the coldest part of the last ice age (roughly 20,000 years ago), global sea level has risen as much as 120 meters, or 393 feet, if the information is correct.

Since writing "Fingerprints of the Gods" (1995), Graham Hancock has been scuba diving, and filming ancient undersea structures around the world. While glaciers melted at the end of the last ice age, rising seas covered these megaliths 9,00-10,000 years ago. We have yet to learn how old these magnificent structures, and the civilization that built them, were when they were submerged.

Hancock's new material reveals megalithic structures created by an ancient civilization(s), lost when submerged by the rising seas 9,000-10,000 years ago. The coastal areas where these ancient structures are found include Australia, Ponape, India, Japan, and Taiwan, (among others). The ocean depths range up to 150 feet below current sea level.


New pics of the well known submerged Yonaguni site show pairs of stacked cut blocks. These new images disprove claims that Yonaguni's ancient undersea structures are merely natural formations.

Taiwan's west coast:

Submerged wall with 'battlements' made of individual stone blocks.


After diving with Hancock, Indian archaeologists agreed Mahabalipuram is an submerged city. Later, many more people saw the ancient city when the Boxing Day tsunami exposed it for about 30 minutes. Limited official dives began after that. For unknown reasons they will not dive where the most impressive structures were discovered.

Gulf of Cambay, India:

Side scan sonar finds two submerged cities at depth of 120 feet. (no diving is allowed at site since 2002 sonar discovery)


Underwater structures match those on the island. Gigantic columns and pillars photographed 120 feet undersea.

Begin video at 55:54 to see submerged structures in video. (begin at 53:50 for account of a Malta Museum director erasing cave paintings that suggest a far earlier culture in Malta).

First part of video reviews relevant parts of Hancock's work re Giza pyramids etc.

Better pics of undersea structures at Yonaguni, Japan:

Suppose we have proof of civilization(s) across the world sufficiently advanced to create these magnificent megaliths 9,000-10,000 years or more ago....what changes ?


via International Skeptics Forum

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