mercredi 25 mars 2015

Kill the Gays + Lesbians?

I too find it "“utterly reprehensible” that a proposed ballot measure would authorize killing gays and lesbians here in California.

Here's a link from a story in The Los Angeles Times,

and a few snippets:

This ballot initative would authorize the killing of gays and lesbians by "bullets to the head" — or by "any other convenient method."

It needs 365,000 signatures to qualify for vote,

right now it has 42,000 as of today.

The so-called Sodomite Suppression Act that was proposed by Huntington Beach attorney Matthew McLaughlin.

McLaughlin's proposal calls same-sex intimacy "a monstrous evil" and says it would be better for gay people to die than for Californians to "be killed by God's just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating wickedness in our midst."

It also would make the spreading of "sodomistic propaganda" punishable by a $1-million fine, 10 years in jail or deportation from the state. And it would ban gay people from holding public office.

* * *

I'm a long time heterosexual male surfer + have a lot of friends,

both male and female, who surf and are gay or lesbian.

I do not care what grown, consenting adults do in their bedroom or whom they date.

And to read that some lawyer just 45 miles away from the beach I surf at wants to kill these people with bullets to the head or any other convenient method is simply incredible to comprehend in this day and age.

Your thoughts?


via International Skeptics Forum

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