mercredi 18 mars 2015

Human Augmentation and Transhumanism: Organic vs Robotic?

Back in my CT days I used to believe a lot of CTs about how the elite want to microchip us all to pave way for the acceptance of transhumanism, and how the elite themselves are pushing transhumanism so they can become gods, have endless life, health, etc to travel and explore the cosmos.

Day by day, transhumanism looks to be an inevitability than a possibility, as proponents such as Ray Kurzweil argue that even by wearing glasses, we are becoming closer to cyborgs. Biomedical implants are on the rise, to give sight to the blind, create artificial limbs, etc.


Originally Posted by Ray Kurzweil

Biological evolution is too slow for the human species. Over the next few decades, it's going to be left in the dust.

But what about the other direction? What about augmentation via genetic modification and through organic means? (Think the film "Gattaca"). Too slow? more costly? Less sci-fi fantastical?/

What I mean is, (pardon my ignorance), is there another prong to the trans humanist movement that proposes augmentation via organic means and not the cyborg route? If so, what's it called because I can't seem to do proper research on it.

Let's discuss!

via International Skeptics Forum

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