jeudi 20 novembre 2014

Social Justice Warriors hack Klan Twitter account

There is a diary on Kos about Anonymous seizing control of the KKK's Twitter Accounts.

I have no brief with the Klan. They're a bunch of racist thugs. No doubt about that.

But this fits into a trend that I've been noticing for some time now. It is becoming standard practice for a group with an agenda to not just argue against those who don't toe the line sufficiently regarding the agenda, but to attempt to destroy them in real-life terms by doxxing, by harassment/threats, by trying to get people fired from their real-world jobs, etc.

I find this trend very troubling in general, but especially so coming from the Fringe Left. One of the primary values of the Left (or so I have been told) is freedom, especially freedom of speech (by extension of ideas).

Groups like Anonymous would pitch a fit if they were doxxed, or someone tried to get them fired, or if they got threats...why are they doing the same thing to people they don't like?

It's wrong. It should be absolutely and universally condemned.

via International Skeptics Forum

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