vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Laundry and Microbes

I recently had to deal with a fungal infection on the skin. I was able to successfully treat it using a homeopathic remedy containing 1% clotrimazole. (There's a joke in there somewhere...)

Anyways, I had done some research on how to handle the situation (and to prevent problems in the future). Many of the suggestions made a lot of sense (wear cotton, change clothing often, etc.)

However, one issue I came across was how to handle laundry. Normally I wash clothes in cold water (saves money, saves the planet, etc.) However, I've found one article that suggests that fungus can survive washing in cold/warm water. Unfortunately, the author didn't know if the heat from the dryer would have any effect.

So, does anyone know:

- Whether the dryer does have enough heat to kill off any microbes (fungus and/or bacteria)

- If there are any alternatives that can be added to the wash, apart from bleach, that will work in cold/warm water? (I've seen various suggestions, like using vinegar, borax, etc., but many of those came from "naturist" type sites, and I'd take that with a grain of salt.)

via JREF Forum

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