mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Cartoon Network Trolls CTers, CTers Take Bait.

Adult Swim on Cartoon Network has a new show called Mr Pickles. Its kinda like Lassie if Lassie were possessed by Satan. Mr Pickles does things like killing people, perform satanic rites, rapes a bear...

Anyway, one of the promos for the show is text flashed rapidly on the screen that says something to the effect of, " Since 1425, one group has endeavoured to rule mankind. The ILLUMINATI! Tonight, we will succeed. Give your soul to Mr Pickles! (Satanic image) Give your soul to Mr Pickles! (Satanic image)..." etc...

It seems they've riled up a sizeable chunk of the CT population. I've received several messeges on FB insisting I admit the Illuminati is real with links like...

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