jeudi 4 septembre 2014

Ground Zero Illness, the 9/11 Bubble pops.

Hello I'm Peter Valentino, author of the film Papamundi and the 9/11 mechanism. I hope those of you reading this care about truth and would teach your children that telling the truth is paramount. For we live in an era of lies. I would call this the disinformation age. This has spawned a truth media presence on the Internet which is very strong.

I want to bring your attention to these words by Robert Kennedy, "A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability." I am applying these words to the current situation of 9/11 Ground Zero Illness victims.

9/11 first responders are our best, most heroic people along with the rescuers whose lives were lost on 9/11. It's important for the upholders of the 9/11 Commission story that the connection between cancer, grave respiratory illness, etc. In connection with Ground Zero is downplayed. Very simply, the first responder's truth does not fit with the official scenario. This is especially true in terms of the general viewpoint of the National 9/11 Museum at ground zero. The victims families and first responders want to look at it as a memorial or cemetery. The status quo, led by ex New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, look at it as an excellent way to continue the 9/11 commission lie. Therefore they have put information at the museum which states that the connection between illnesses and Ground Zero is debatable. This enrages the victim 's families and the first responders. The fact that thousands of people have suffered illness as a result of the Tower's and Building 7's demolition is something that cannot be hidden. The feelings of first responders and victims families plus the fact that thousands are sick and that thousands have died will not be swept under the carpet this time. There is certain to be a huge clash in New York City on this 9/11.

9 /11/2014 in New York City is a good day to start a revolution.

via JREF Forum

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