mardi 19 août 2014

The Flaw in the Ethnic Nation-State Concept

The current crisis in Ukraine and the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel got me to thinking. While ongoing battles over land divided upon ethnic lines (see also the former Yugoslavia, or Rwanda) sporadically flare up, it seems there is often support for further divisions between humans and other humans, along ethnic lines.

At the same time, there are ongoing complaints of the power of the wealthy or a so-called global elite. This elite transcends national borders, and is not really beholden to any particular government because of their international nature. They are well able to move money about to take advantage of cheap labor in one place, and lower taxes in another, and a higher standard of living in yet another. At the same time, they grow in power thanks to the powerlessness brought on by national divisions. And still those opposed to their power sit behind these borders, and complain, and remain ineffective at curtailing the growth of this elite.

Why therefore is there such opposition to the greater growth of a true World Government, that is elected by the people, and serves for the people? Borders can and should be open between nations, and as long as they remain so with no voice by the people in a unified and cooperative, elected governance, there will be those who can take advantage of global variation and division in moving across those borders. Are we not all human? Why are we so centered on maintaining division amongst ourselves due to skin color and language? I am by no means advocating a global melting pot. I am advocating a central governance based on democracy.

I know that this would be an uphill struggle. It would also take a very long time, because of very real divisions in culture and religion that prohibit shared understanding of rights such as sexual orientation or a right not to believe in any religion. Also, nations themselves do not willingly give up power. I don't know the correct path forward to overcome this. I do know that it begins with a universally accepted bill of rights. It also begins, even more fundamentally, with an acceptance by the people of the basic humanity of their neighbor.

via JREF Forum

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