vendredi 15 août 2014

Could your job be performed by a robot or computer someday?

Whatever it is you do for a living (or did if you are retired), do you think that a computer or robot could do that job as well or better than you can eventually? Of if not better, cheaper?

In my case, I think it's at least conceivable. I'm a translator and there are computer programs to automatically translate. But at least for the time being I think my job is safe. Not sure about 10 or 20 years from now though.

A little demonstration. This is a very brief excerpt from a Japanese news article written today. One of these is translated by me, and another by Google translate. See if you can figure out which is which:


Words of the Emperor: Profound sorrow again . . .

Today, on this day for mourning our war dead and praying for peace, attending this memorial service for Japan's war dead, I think of the irreplaceable lives of so many who were lost in the great war and their families, and I feel profound sorrow again.


Deep sorrow, your words of His Majesty the Emperor … new

Today, per the "day to pray for peace in memory of the war dead", it faces the national memorial service for the war dead, in the War of the left, and I think the bereaved family and the large number of people who lost their lives irreplaceable, and a new deep sadness I will.

If you can tell which is which, I think my job is still safe for now. I'm not saying I'm any kind of great wordsmith mind you, but I can still translate an idea into natural English better than a computer algorithm. On the other hand, the computer doesn't have to be paid much to do it, I do. The computer could whip me in a game of chess though. It can even beat Gary Kasparov. That didn't used to be true, but eventually it came to pass. The same may happen with translation some day. In fact, since it's so much cheaper, it may not even have to be as good. If it can get 85% to 90% of the way there, that might be good enough considering the huge cost difference.

Anyway, this is a pretty interesting video which makes some good arguments about the coming singularity, called Humans Need Not Apply:

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