lundi 30 juin 2014

Blackwater rep threatened to kill US official

Blackwater rep threatened to kill US official

If that's not crazy enough, an embassy official sided with Blackwater and told the official to leave the country.

Not a long read, but pretty eyebrow-raising.

via JREF Forum

QM interpretations and pilot waves (with a side of fluid dynamics)

Ok, this article (from Quanta Magazine, reprinted by Wired) recently came to my attention, and it seems very interesting, and I'd love to hear some feedback on it, especially from people with a solid grounding in modern, mainstream physics.

Basically, they seem to have found some fluid-dynamics phenomena, using oil and water, that appear to replicate some of the more mysterious elements of QM, like tunneling and quantization and double-slit interference.


“This is a classical system that exhibits behavior that people previously thought was exclusive to the quantum realm, and we can say why,” said John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has led several recent bouncing-droplet experiments. “The more things we understand and can provide a physical rationale for, the more difficult it will be to defend the ‘quantum mechanics is magic’ perspective.”

The article mentions that physicists are a bit skeptical, and mentions at least some of the reasons why. (I suspect there's more reasons for skepticism that they didn't mention, which is one of the reasons I'm posting this.)

So what do you think? Are "pilot waves" really a way to resolve the various interpretations of QM? And what might be doing the "waving", and is it distinguishable from aether? And is this hypothesis even testable?

via JREF Forum

SCOTUS prevents Unions from forcing payments

"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that nontraditional employees in the public sector may not be compelled by a state to contribute union fees, dealing a blow to workers’ bodies that wanted to ensure that all staff — including nonsalaried positions such as home health aides — could be forced to pay dues. But the court spared unions the brunt of the damage that the case could have caused, by upholding that fully fledged public employees may still be compelled to unionize.

The Harris v. Quinn ruling [PDF] means that part-time and nontraditional government employees, like home health care workers, won’t be forced to pay into unions as a condition of their employment."

Scotus is doing a grand job as of late!

via JREF Forum

If You Were Scottish How Would You Vote?

OK, there are lots of comments online from Scots as to whether they want to stay or leave the union, I'd like to hear from non-Scots. If you were Scottish would you vote to leave the union or stay in it?

I think I'd vote yes for independence - due to the following reasons:

1) Whitehall barely knows or cares the north of England exists - let alone Scotland. Independence would actually mean being governed by politicians who care about the region.

2) There are many small countries around the world which are viable - no reason that Scotland can't be one of them

3) The economic arguments for and against are massive unknowns - but then any predictions made by the same dismal science that utterly failed to predict or understand the global financial crisis needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. Economists only seem good at predicting things once they have already happened.

4) It would be an opportunity to have a genuine centre-left government.

What do you reckon and why? Yes or no to independence?

via JREF Forum

Zimmerman's NBC Lawsuit Tossed


A Florida judge on Monday threw out George Zimmerman's libel case against NBC Universal, ending the former neighborhood vigilante's pursuit of damages from the media company over an edited audio clip of a 911 call.

The Orlando Sentinel reported that Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson ruled shortly before 9 a.m. ET that Zimmerman is not entitled to any money from NBC over the edited clips that aired four times in March of 2012 — a month after Zimmerman fatally shot unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.

The audio of Zimmerman's 911 call to dispatchers was shortened, making it sound as though he gratuitously mentioned that Martin was black. Zimmerman also alleged that NBC erroneously reported that he had uttered a racial epithet during the phone call.

But in her 15-page order, Nelson ruled that there is "no clear and convincing evidence that defendants knew that the information published was false at the time it was published, or recklessly disregarded the truth or falsity of those statements."

She also noted that throughout the month in question, NBC repeatedly quoted Zimmerman's family members who insisted that he is no racist.

Well, he always has the option to kill another unarmed black kid.

via JREF Forum

GMO infographic

OK having a bit of a debate on fb with a guy who posted an anti gmo petition and remembered seeing an infographic someone had put together with quotes from a bunch of scientific institutions saying basically there's no evidence that they cause harm. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and has a link, I'd appreciate it, thanks

p.s. yes I know it's an appeal to authority

via JREF Forum

SCOTUS rules in favor of Lobby Lobby

This just in: SCOTUS rules in favor of Hobby Lobby.


Originally Posted by CNN

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that closely held companies cannot be required to pay to cover some types of contraceptives for their employees, ending its term with a narrow legal and political setback for a controversial part of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law.

via JREF Forum

Funiest supernatural claim you've heard

In the current series of Big Brother here in the UK there's a guy called Mark who claims to be psychic. In a recent show the housemates were talking about corpses and the fact that corpses fart was brought up. Mark pounced on this as proof of life after death, as it was obviously the soul escaping from the body.

So, it turns out that when people talk about the soul, they're actually referring to farts. Who knew?

What's the funniest paranormal claim you've heard?

via JREF Forum

AZ state senator puts together chemtrail hearing

From RawStory


Citing a belief that the U.S. government is filling the sky over their desert community with chemicals, while referring to work of conspiracy theorist Russell Blaylock, western Arizona residents attended a hearing on chemtrails on Wednesday to voice their concerns.


The hearing, called by State Sen. Kelli Ward, was billed as an opportunity for her constituents to air their concerns about chemtrails;

The Disquss comments might be a good Stundie source.

via JREF Forum

Dangerous Proposed Legislation in the U.K.

With the recent news that Burzynski has gained FDA approval for further trials of his quackery, we also have a situation developing in the U.K. which is worrying with regard to cancer treatment.

Lord Saatchi, ex-advertising man, is sponsoring proposed legislation which could open the doors to quackery, and have a damaging impact on legitimate research.

Andy Lewis at Quackometer has been following this story. The latest is that Saatchi 'Compares Doctors to Medieval, Barbaric Hanging Judges' during the second reading of the bill in the House of Lords. Such emotive language seems to betray the real reasons behind the Bill i.e. he is cross that the medical establishment did not save his wife.

Given that we have a Health Secretary who is sympathetic to Homeopathy, I think we should be concerned that this legislation might get passed on to the statute book.

Anyway, here is the link, where you will find the link to the Stopthesaatchi Bill website:

via JREF Forum

Did Home Depot board the Woo train?

Home Depot has announced that it is going to start requiring plant suppliers to label the plants that contain neonicotinoid pesticides on plants that they sell. This move is in response to honeybee decline/colony collapse. Other US companies are also going to require supplier to stop the use of neonics to help prevent the decline of honeybee populations.


Home Depot and other U.S. companies are working to eliminate or limit use of a type of pesticide suspected of helping cause dramatic declines in honeybee populations needed to pollinate key American crops, officials said on Wednesday.

Monsanto and Bayer are stating that mites are a primary cause of colony collapse (the term used here in Hawaii).


Scientists, consumer groups, beekeepers and others say bee deaths are linked to the neonic pesticides. But Monsanto,, Bayer and other agrichemical companies say a mix of factors such as mites are killing the bees.

In fact here in Hawaii studies are now being conducted in ways to combat the varroa mite. Monsanto is also a big player here with their GE corn.

Just this week Sciencedaily reported that the UK is now studying the varroa mite and its link to colony collapse.


DWV is one of the most common viruses infecting European honeybees. Although present in almost all colonies, high levels of deformed wing disease -- characterised by developmental deformities, reduced foraging ability and longevity -- are only common when Varroa is also present.

So is Home Depot going to start playing soothing music to the plants next? Eleventy one?

via JREF Forum

Common cold and cold weather

In the course about Medical Lies and Half Truths ( Steven Novella said that you are not likely to get a cold if you get exposed to cold weather.

He also explicitly said, that studies did not show any correlation with being exposed to cold weather and the likelihood of falling ill, this dispelling the myth that the immune system "weakens" as you get exposed to cold weather.

However, lately I've had a lot of people, including doctors, Wikipedia and even many skeptic friends challenge that position and tell me that cold actually does increase the likelihood of you falling ill with the cold once you get exposed to the virus. Each person cites different reasons, but more or less connected to the slowing of processes, immune or otherwise.

Note, I am speaking bot about being very very cold for like days when you get a frostbite or something, but about normal city everyday life.

Are there any updates on this? Was Steven Novella wrong about this?

via JREF Forum

dimanche 29 juin 2014

Fruits, Veggies Not a Magic Bullet for Weight Loss

Is there anyone here who thought just adding fruits and vegetables to an already high caloric, unhealthy diet would help them lose weight?

Fruits, Veggies Not a Magic Bullet for Weight Loss

" Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is often recommended as a way to lose weight, but doing so may not help you shed excess pounds, according to researchers."

There were more than seven studies that confirmed that increasing your caloric intake would not usually result in weight loss..

Darn... Wish I could have received one of those grants..:rolleyes:

via JREF Forum

Immigrant children scandal. Huh?

Once again, impeachable offenses? Treasonous actions? That Democrats will soon get the message that this type of corruption doesn't sit well with the American public?

Honestly, i'm beginning to wonder whether or not its really worth a two party system.

My understanding though, is that Boehner was the main deterent towards any sort of immigration reform.

Please enlighten me on this issue. Thanks all.

via JREF Forum

Matt Lauer interview with GM CEO Mary Barra

I'm a bit surprised to see such blatant sexism on TV in 2014.


Matt Lauer, 56, sat down for an intense one-on-one with General Motors’ CEO Mary Barra on June 26. However, the interview took a turn for the worse when Matt crossed a line and took it upon himself to insinuate that Mary was not capable of running a major corporation while also being a mother of two.


First, Matt told Mary that he was “treading lightly” while asking her whether or not she got her job solely because she was a woman and a mother. Matt suggested that GM put her in the position to help “soften” their business troubles in 2014.

Then he asked her if it was even possible for her to be the CEO of a major corporation and a mother at the same time.

“You’re a mom, I mentioned. Two kids. You said in an interview not long ago that your kids said they’re going to hold you accountable for one job — and that is being a mom. Given the pressures of this job at General Motors, can you do both well?”

No one would ask a male CEO if he's spending enough time with his children. Besides, what business is it of yours anyway? We are concerned with her role as the CEO of a major company, not her family life. Good grief.

via JREF Forum

Free the Nipple

It will be interesting to see if this catches on

warning, NSFW

the fifth picture down is funny and scary at the same time.

via JREF Forum

Time for some campaign posters. I hope it's not too early.

via JREF Forum

With Common Core, does texas still set the nations textbooks?

Now that many states have adopted common core, are we still saddled with texas approved science books, or are publishers willing to make smaller runs now?

via JREF Forum

Antarctica sets new record for sea ice area

It's just a canary in the coal mine.

via JREF Forum

Which Popular Science Book..?

A friend of mine who has, for most of his life, showed no interest in science or the natural world has become interested in science via the television. He's been watching nature shows on the BBC and stuff like Stargazing live, Brian Cox's 'Wonders of the Universe and one or two others. What fairly basic science books would people recommend? I was thinking The Elegant Universe and The Greatest Show on earth. I did wonder if The Elegant Universe might be a bit tough going for him though, as not being a huge reader...any suggestions?

via JREF Forum

Facebook manipulated users' moods in secret experiment...

I no longer use Facebook, and after reading this I'm glad. What else are people unwittingly signing up for when joining? I find their approach to users and their data unethical. This just doesn't sit right:

(Not sure if this belongs in the Computers & Internet section, but taking into account the subject matter and ubiquity of Facebook, I opted for here).

via JREF Forum

samedi 28 juin 2014

Could you pass a Canadian Citizenship Test?

Well, could you, eh?

Careful a couple are tricky and if you answer too fast you might get them wrong. I know I did. But there was only one I really did not know the answer to.

(I passed.)

via JREF Forum

Corporate sponsorship of gay pride parades and ...

It's Time to Stand Up By Not Showing Up

San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia


Boycott SF Gay Pride

Every year the same thing: party, party, party. Have fun, indulge, get drunk, meet people, have sex, listen to music, watch the parade. The same old thing over and over again just like the superbowl and all of the other American “Mega” events sponsored by corporate America.

How about some change? How about actually having some kind of principles instead of just a life of pleasure? How about boycotting San Francisco’s Gay Pride?

Some people can and will. But others like those who cling to their accounts in the corrupt Bank of America and Wells, Fargo, who are more concerned about being “accepted” by a corrupt society, who can’t see beyond their own career building or just want a life of party and fun…well, they are probably gonna be there.


Meanwhile, over by Free Republic ...


I used to go out-of-my-way to buy American and support American businesses. There was even one time (which I related on the boards once before) I refused to purchase some made-in-China thumbtacks, and drove a good twenty miles to another store, and bought some made-in-America ones. Did all that, for just for a two-dollar purchase. Might not seem to make much sense, but that’s how devoted I was.

But with American companies all jumping on the bandwagon to promote perversion, sponsoring all this sick, depraved insanity, I just no longer give a damn about these American companies. To hell with them. If I go out of my way for anything nowadays, it’s to NOT buy anything if I can help it. Better to just spend my money on second-hand items, if possible.

Any American company pushing this degeneracy is a company I look upon as nothing less than an enemy to everything I value. I wish total bankrupcy on them.

via JREF Forum

Oklahoma Republican claims opponent is dead, replaced with body double.

Oklahoma Republican claims opponent is dead, replaced with body double.


OKLAHOMA CITY - An Oklahoma congressional candidate has announced he plans to contest Tuesday’s primary election of long time Rep. Frank Lucas.

In a bizarre letter obtained by NewsChannel 4, Tim Murray says he doesn’t feel Rep. Lucas is qualified for office.

“It does come as kind of a shock to read that you’re not you,” said Rep. Lucas, (R) District 3.

Murray brings it up in his letter announcing his plan to contest Lucas’s election writing, “…it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike.”

And from his campaign website:


I, Timothy Ray Murray, am a human, born in Oklahoma, and obtained and continue to fully meet the requirements to serve as U.S. Representative when honored to so. I will never use a look alike to replace my (The Office’s) message to you or to anyone else, as both the other Republican Challengers have.

Rep. Frank Lucas, and a few other Oklahoma and other States’ Congressional Members were depicted as being executed by The World Court on or about Jan. 11, 2011 in Southern Ukraine. On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses. Other now current Members of Congress have shared those facts on television also. We know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements, however Rep. Lucas was not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time.

The World knows the truth and We must always display and communicate the truth. I will always share public information with the truth when honored to serve as your Representative.

June 24, I need your vote. The vote cannot be overlooked by the Judicial Branch, however the vote must be there and in order to be heard as the will of The People and not cast-off.

Seems simple enough. Just get a court to order that Rep. Frank Lucas be brought before a doctor and checked to see if he's a human or a body-double robot. What's so crazy about that?

via JREF Forum

Losing primary challenger claims winner is a replicant, or something

Apparently, the incumbent, who won the primary, was executed in the Ukraine some time ago (along with a number of other U.S. politicians), and replaced by a look-alike. This being the case, the election results are obviously invalid.

From his campaign website:


News Person,

The election for U.S. House for Oklahoma’s 3rd District will be contested by the Candidate, Timothy Ray Murray. I will be stating that his votes are switched with Rep. Lucas votes, because it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about Jan. 11, 2011.

This is a situation similar to the Senators’ from Kentucky situation in the 2012 election. I am contesting that this matter has happen since his election was blocked, because of the U.S. Defense Department’s use of Mr. Murray’s DNA. To my knowledge, the U.S. Defense Department has not released to the public that information, as it is their confidential information about many people. Congress is likely wanting me to state that all my DNA used will not result in benefits to people I have never had relations with of a family nature. I have been bound to protect that information unless it causes harm to The People.

The contest of election and or petition will be correctly filed with county election boards and with federal offices. I, Hon. Mr. Timothy Ray Murray, fully meet all Constitutional, Federal and Oklahoma requirements for election and for holding Office if the voters’ results show that is the case.

Thank You for your service in giving Oklahomans great current news and information.


Hon. Timothy Ray Murray

via JREF Forum

Responsible howitzer owner shells house 5km away...

Claims "freak accident"...

An Oklahoma home was damaged last weekend by a 105mm artillery shell fired from a gun range some 5km away at a the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show. The 15kg inert shell struck a tree and the ground before ploughing through an exterior wall, hitting a ceiling and an internal wall.

No-one was injured.

The range owner, Mike Friend, insists the historic weapon was safely fired by professionals in a downward projection.


It was not on a level plane, but on a downward trend, pointed downhill in the bottom of a valley. For that thing to rise and go far northwest of the range, it’s just unheard of.


via JREF Forum

Tell Me About Your Local 2014 Election Candidates

I'll start with one particular race among many that I find interesting.

I live in Kansas district 1 in terms of my representative for The House... which means I'm represented by Tim Huelskamp, of all people. He's a main player in the hyping of the VA "scandal" that was partially caused by underfunding, and he's never met a spending bill that he could actually vote for. Another highlight of his career was that he was kicked off of the Agricultural Committee by his own party for being a belligerent ass. He's basically a part of the Tea Party faction.

He has one moderate opponent in the Republican primary. His name is Alan LaPolice, and he is actually fairly local to me, and I've actually got several family members that are "friended" to his personal (not the political one) FaceBook page. He's a former "school administrator" (not sure exactly what that means... Principal?)at a school I used to play football against back in the day. I haven't met him face to face, but I've discussed things with him through FB and he seems a fairly decent guy for a Republican. He's not well known, but he could actually win the primary if Huelskamp is as unpopular as I think he is.

He also has a Democrat challenger by the name of Jim Sherrow, who is the former Mayor of Manhattan, KS. and has been a History professor at Kansas State University (which is also in Manhattan). You might think that there's no way that a Dem can win in this district (and historically, you'd be right), but if there's anyone that can do it, it's Sherrow... and he's also got my vote.

via JREF Forum

100 years ago today

Wow. Today is the day it all started.

Sarajevo marks 100 years since killing of Archduke Ferdinand


28 June 2014

The shots fired by the Bosnian Serb on 28 June 1914 sucked Europe's great powers into four years of warfare.

Bosnia's Serbs, Croats and Muslim Bosniaks are still divided over the role Princip played in bringing tensions to a head in Europe in 1914, with counter-commemorations planned by Bosnian Serbs.

In Austria, Franz Ferdinand's great-granddaughter and family will be holding events at the family castle at Artstetten, near Vienna, where he is buried.

Differing interpretations

Leaders of Serbia and some Bosnian Serbs are boycotting official events, which they say are designed to incriminate Serbs.

On Friday, Serbs in Bosnia unveiled a statue of Princip in eastern Sarajevo, seen by them as a national hero who ended years of occupation of the Balkans by the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Perhaps the most pivotal day in history in the last 100 years or longer?

via JREF Forum

Sexual misconduct allegations against Radford, Shermer, et al. Part 2

Mod InfoContinuation of this thread

Posted By:zooterkin


Originally Posted by Brive1987 (Post 10088914)

Note Radford's reference to "the document". Clearly there was a final document in play and delivered to Baxter. This is the one Radford claims to have posted without change.

And there has been no explicit denial of this from the KS camp in their releases - let alone the simple expedient of releasing the variant document in their possession.

If we imagine for a moment that Radford did change the text before publishing it, why would Baxter and/or Stollznow then release the real agreed-upon document given that it would then be able to be used as evidence against them in the lawsuit?

via JREF Forum

vendredi 27 juin 2014

A sign of America's moral decay

Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay


If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time.

I've held off on writing about soccer for a decade -- or about the length of the average soccer game -- so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.

(1) Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer. In a real sport, players fumble passes, throw bricks and drop fly balls -- all in front of a crowd. When baseball players strike out, they're standing alone at the plate. But there's also individual glory in home runs, touchdowns and slam-dunks.

In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."

. . .

I blame Obama.

via JREF Forum

Board, card, and dice games available to play at TAM2014

Once again, I am supplying a collection of board, card,and dice games for folks to borrow (and play, of course) while at TAM. The games will most likely be available at the JREF Forum table, but may end up in another location. The current list of games I plan to bring this year includes:

(The headers can be clicked to sort by column)

Game (link to Website)Game Type # of Players Est. Play Time Co-operative / Competitive Rating YouTube Review/Playthrough
UNO Card

30 min


UNO on Howcast
Munchkin Card

90 min


Munchkin on TableTop
Pandemic Board

45 min


Pandemic on TableTop
Star Fluxx Card

10 min


Star Fluxx on TableTop
Castle Panic Board

60 min


Castle Panic on TableTop
Ticket to Ride Board

45 min


Ticket to Ride on TableTop
Small World Board

80 min


Small World on TableTop
Tsuro Board

15 min


Tsuro on TableTop
Zombie Dice Dice

10 min


Zombie Dice on TableTop
Forbidden Island Board

30 min


Forbidden Island on TableTop
Smash Up Board/Card

45 min


Smash Up on TableTop
Elder Sign Board

90 min


Elder Sign on TableTop
Awful Green Things from Outer Space Board

90 min


AGTFOS on The Dice Tower

There was also a brief discussion elsewhere on the forum regarding people bringing and entertaining their kids at TAM. I have a small number of traditional kid-targeted games that I can bring as well, including Clue, Scrabble, Risk, Pokemon, Yahtzee and others, if there is interest.

Let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to play.



via JREF Forum

Losing primary challenger claims winner is a replicant, or something

Apparently, the incumbent, who won the primary, was executed in the Ukraine some time ago (along with a number of other U.S. politicians), and replaced by a look-alike. This being the case, the election results are obviously invalid.

From his campaign website:


News Person,

The election for U.S. House for Oklahoma’s 3rd District will be contested by the Candidate, Timothy Ray Murray. I will be stating that his votes are switched with Rep. Lucas votes, because it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about Jan. 11, 2011.

This is a situation similar to the Senators’ from Kentucky situation in the 2012 election. I am contesting that this matter has happen since his election was blocked, because of the U.S. Defense Department’s use of Mr. Murray’s DNA. To my knowledge, the U.S. Defense Department has not released to the public that information, as it is their confidential information about many people. Congress is likely wanting me to state that all my DNA used will not result in benefits to people I have never had relations with of a family nature. I have been bound to protect that information unless it causes harm to The People.

The contest of election and or petition will be correctly filed with county election boards and with federal offices. I, Hon. Mr. Timothy Ray Murray, fully meet all Constitutional, Federal and Oklahoma requirements for election and for holding Office if the voters’ results show that is the case.

Thank You for your service in giving Oklahomans great current news and information.


Hon. Timothy Ray Murray

Tim Murray for Congress

via JREF Forum

coworker is going to tell me about 'several' problems with Relativity.

This could be great. Will update shortly! :D

via JREF Forum


Christianity has been talking about the END for a long time---but what is the Scriptural meaning of the END?

The END is quite simple in one respect—it is the END of the rule of man and the beginning of the rule of God. The simple prayer is that the Kingdom of God must come.( Matthew 6:9 "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)

We have other statements in the Revelation which corroborate this.( Revelation 11:17 saying: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign)

So from the above it is stated that through the power of God the Kingdom will be set up—no negotiations just pure power.

Now to prove what I am stating it is necessary to look at the Scriptures—the display of the power of God has been the means as recorded of God intervening.

It has been stated that that these predictions have been presented down through the ages with no visible actions. The reason is that until all predictions are fulfilled at a specific time the inauguration cannot take place.

I understand from the Scriptures that events are in place for the intervention of God in the affairs of this world.

From another statement in Scripture it is clear that the rule of God will usher in peace. But war is inevitable to bring about peace –because those who do not want peace must be dealt with first.

(Rev 11:17-18 saying: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.

The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your Name, both small and great— and for destroying those who destroy the earth."

The one thing about prophecy is that it must be fulfilled—that is what prophecy is—the fulfilling of what God has stated—( Isaiah 55:11 So is my Word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words will never pass away.

So every prediction the prophets have uttered must be fulfilled in order to prove God true to his word.

Joe 2:31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

Jesus states (Luke 21:25-27 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.)

So even my predictions with regards to blinding James Randi and Andrew Harter is still to be fulfilled regardless how long it has taken.

So what must take first is what Jesus stated►( Matthew_24:14 And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.)

So as yet this must still be accomplished----the fact that there is so much confusion, this must be rectified.

via JREF Forum

Placebo and Human Genetics

I was listening to a podcast the other day and it was saying that some people are or might be more predisposed to being susceptible to placebos than others - something to do with a variation of a gene related to dopamine release. If this is the case, how would it affect drug trials? Would people highly susceptible to placebos skew a drug trial and make the drug seem less effective?

via JREF Forum

EU - Juncker to be commission president


EU leaders meeting in Brussels are expected to confirm former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as the next president of the European Commission.

The move comes despite strong opposition from Britain.


This is another case of the UK being unhappy about further EU integration but losing out to the majority view. While the news itself is not welcome (even as a EUrophile, I believe that there is a need for reform) what has me scratching my head is the notion that somehow the rest of Europe would follow the UK despite our failure to engage properly.

This same UK arrogance crops up again and again in important things like the EU and less important things like the selection of a location of the World Cup and voting in Eurovision. The UK stands there arrogantly telling everyone that they're doing it wrongly and yet expects them to vote in support of us - just because.

If we in the UK want to get serious about reforming the EU then we need to be more, not less, engaged so we can better influence the outcome.

I fear that David Cameron will now throw his toys out of the pram, even further reducing our standing and influence within the EU.

edited to add.....

Angela Merkel is being painted as the villain of the piece for retreating from a position of supporting David Cameron's opposition to Jean-Claude Juncker. Apparently this reversal was due to the Germans re-enforcing their position of support for further EU integration.

via JREF Forum

jeudi 26 juin 2014

So? Pre-emptive ejaculitis or brain damage?

Apparently, CNBC was soliciting for an economist to write a report finding that global warming was a hoax in anticipation of what was going to be found in (since-released) bipartisan The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States Report. They sent this request, however, to deSmog Blog, somehow mistaking their profile of the climate contrarian and economist Alan Carlin and his notorious activities as laudatory accolades and assumed he worked at DeSmog Blog!

excerpted from:

via JREF Forum

Climate Change Policy = Treason!

"It Is Almost Treason For" Obama "To Be Focusing" On Climate Change

Start about 1:50:00

Unfortunately this is mainstream Republicanism today, it really makes me ashamed to be a registered Republican in the modern era.

via JREF Forum

America's interest in soccer a sign of moral decay, support of socialism

This is so obviously true and sound that I just know everyone here will line up to defend it. :rolleyes:


I’ve held off on writing about soccer for a decade — or about the length of the average soccer game — so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation’s moral decay.

Interestingly I sat through a baseball game the other night that was well over three hours long. Twice the length of any soccer game. Does that mean I'm doubly immoral?


(1) Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer. In a real sport, players fumble passes, throw bricks and drop fly balls -- all in front of a crowd. When baseball players strike out, they're standing alone at the plate. But there's also individual glory in home runs, touchdowns and slam-dunks.

Interesting. This fails logic in both directions. That's like getting a math problem wrong while also declaring math to be the product of Satan. She's wrong that there is no individual glory in Soccer and wrong that any TEAM sport is utterly reliant on such. Soccer very much does have great individual plays. A break away that results in a shot and goal are often one player doing something amazing. But by the same token all TEAM sports are reliant on that thing called a team. Can a quarterback make an amazing throw with no offensive line to protect him? Can that slam dunk be thrown down if the other players haven't goaded defenders out of position?


In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."

So I guess Teeball is just straight communism then.


Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in. That's when we're supposed to go wild. I'm already asleep.

So....she admits to never watching the sport, clearly has no idea how it is played but does know that it is just wrong. Heck, I've never watched an episode of True Blood. Therefore I declare it to be a boring show about a hemophiliac depressed goth kid and just bask in my ignorance.


(2) Liberal moms like soccer because it's a sport in which athletic talent finds so little expression that girls can play with boys. No serious sport is co-ed, even at the kindergarten level.

Ooh, so we get sexism in there too! This is like troll BINGO.


(3) No other "sport" ends in as many scoreless ties as soccer. This was an actual marquee sign by the freeway in Long Beach, California, about a World Cup game last week: "2nd period, 11 minutes left, score: 0:0." Two hours later, another World Cup game was on the same screen: "1st period, 8 minutes left, score: 0:0." If Michael Jackson had treated his chronic insomnia with a tape of Argentina vs. Brazil instead of Propofol, he'd still be alive, although bored.

Even in football, by which I mean football, there are very few scoreless ties -- and it's a lot harder to score when a half-dozen 300-pound bruisers are trying to crush you.

Actually in American Football scoring is so hard that numerous rules had to be put into place to keep defenders from defending. In soccer rules are put in place to limit offense.


(5) You can't use your hands in soccer. (Thus eliminating the danger of having to catch a fly ball.) What sets man apart from the lesser beasts, besides a soul, is that we have opposable thumbs. Our hands can hold things. Here's a great idea: Let's create a game where you're not allowed to use them! does the need to dribble the basketball also offend God?


(6) I resent the force-fed aspect of soccer. The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO's "Girls," light-rail, Beyonce and Hillary Clinton.

People demand that we love Girls? Really? Okay, I'll believe you. I just presumed that HBO ceases to exist whenever Game Of Thrones or True Detective aren't playing.


(7) It's foreign. In fact, that's the precise reason the Times is constantly hectoring Americans to love soccer. One group of sports fans with whom soccer is not "catching on" at all, is African-Americans. They remain distinctly unimpressed by the fact that the French like it.

She seems to care an awful lot what the Times thinks of things. I wonder why?

As for it being foreign.....who cares?


(8) Soccer is like the metric system, which liberals also adore because it's European. Naturally, the metric system emerged from the French Revolution, during the brief intervals when they weren't committing mass murder by guillotine.

The metric system is now a liberal cause? Shouldn't it be the cause of anyone that likes measuring systems that make sense and are divisible by ten?


If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time.

Interesting. My great grandfather was born in Minnesota and yet today I watched a missed call by a referee cost the USA team a likely scoring chance. I guess I don't really exist.



Well there's your problem!

Full article here.

via JREF Forum

Obama Vs. Scotus


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Mass. abortion clinic buffer zone law struck down

9-0 ruling. Free speech concern the basis for the ruling.

"The nation’s highest court today struck down a Massachusetts law that created buffer zones around abortion clinics in an attempt to prevent confrontations over the controversial issue.

The US Supreme Court ruled that the state law violated the First Amendment, restricting access to public ways and sidewalks, places that are traditionally open for free debate. The government’s ability to regulate speech in such areas is limited, the justices said in a unanimous decision.

“The buffer zones burden substantially more speech than necessary to achieve the Commonwealth’s asserted interests,” the court said."


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Howard Baker Has Died.

In the early days of the Watergate Scandal, he was the first to ask: What did the President know, and when did he know it.

Dog Bless him.

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UN Report Puts Staggering Dollar Figures on Environmental Crime Revenues

Crimes from illegal fishing to ivory dealing yield tens of billions of dollars annually.


A global industry in so-called environmental crime—which includes everything from selling elephant ivory to illegal fishing to illicit logging and more—is worth between $70 billion and $213 billion a year and largely finances criminal, militia, and terrorist groups, according to a report released Tuesday by the United Nations and INTERPOL.

"There has been a substantial upgrade in the scale from past reports," said Christian Nellemann, head of the Rapid Response Unit at the United Nations Environment Assembly. "One of the primary reasons, particularly with regard to timber and loss of wildlife habitats, is that the methods used by organized crime were not so well known just a few years ago."

The new report, called "The Environmental Crime Crisis," says that between 20,000 and 25,000 African elephants are killed every year, with an estimated $165 million to $188 million in ivory going to Asia. (Related: "Beloved African Elephant Killed for Ivory—'Monumental' Loss.")

The trade in rhinoceros horn, meanwhile, has an estimated value of between $63.8 million and $192 million. Although fewer than 50 rhinos were poached in 2007, that number rose to over 1,000 in 2013.

But Nellemann, who served as editor in chief of the report, says illegal timber trading is likely growing even more rapidly, with "forest crime" estimated to be worth between $30 billion and $100 billion annually and representing as much as 30 percent of the global timber trade...

via JREF Forum

Red State Drags on National Economy

Retraction of growth in states that did not expand Medicare, drags on surging growth momentum experienced by most of nation.


Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released last Friday show that employment in Missouri’s Healthcare and Social Assistance industry is growing at less than half the rate of the average growth in peer states that have expanded Medicaid.

The Healthcare and Social Assistance industry in Missouri is the state’s largest employing sector, providing jobs to 1 in 6 workers in the private sector and paying an average wage of just over $41,300 in 2013. Hospitals, which account for just fewer than 125,000 jobs, paid an average wage of $51,280 in the same year...

...Ten peer states similar to Missouri in overall employment size were analyzed to determine how Missouri’s employment growth in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry compared to that of other states. Five of the states studied had expanded Medicaid by June 2013, including Washington, Minnesota, Maryland, Arizona, and Colorado. Five of the states studied had not expanded Medicaid by June 2013, including Missouri, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Alabama...

...Over the first five months of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013, the states that expanded Medicaid had increased Healthcare and Social Assistance employment that averaged2.1% whereas the peer states that had not expanded Medicaid by June 2013 averaged a growth rate of 0.7%. Missouri’s Healthcare and Social Assistance industry employment growth was at 1.0%, which was less than half the 2.1% average growth experienced by peer states that expanded Medicaid.

...Earlier this year, the Missouri Hospital Association (MHA) surveyed hospitals to determine how cuts in Medicare and Medicaid were impacting workforce hiring practices, among other topics. 41 hospitals and an outpatient service had recently announced layoffs of 998 workers and 49 hospitals were implementing a hiring freeze involving 2,145 employees.

Based on an economic impact analysis of this survey data using the Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) Policy Insight model, we estimate that the direct loss of approximately 3,145 hospital jobs due to layoffs and hiring freezes could impact an additional 2,001 jobs in the state due to indirect effects to companies that support hospitals and businesses that rely on worker spending. These jobs supported nearly $260 million in wages and $395 million in Gross State Product.

via JREF Forum

Physicist suggests speed of light might be slower than thought

( —Physicist James Franson of the University of Maryland has captured the attention of the physics community by posting an article to the peer-reviewed New Journal of Physics in which he claims to have found evidence that suggests the speed of light as described by the theory of general relativity, is actually slower than has been thought.

The theory of general relativity suggests that light travels at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. It's the c in Einstein's famous equation after all, and virtually everything measured in the cosmos is based on it—in short, it's pretty important. But, what if it's wrong?

Read more at:

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via JREF Forum

Coulter on football

Is this a joke?

via JREF Forum

SCOTUS takes away recess appointments

Well, the SCOTUS has decided that Obama was wrong with his recess appointments, because the congress wasn't really in recess. By keeping one person with a gavel, for 1 minute, at the Senate every three days, the GOP fulfilled the requirements to say that the Senate wasn't really in recess.

I wonder if the GOP understands that this is a double-edged sword.

They don't care, as long as they can wreck the government and blame the black guy for it.

I guess it's not that big of a deal since the Democrats changed the rules in the Senate.

via JREF Forum

Trigon Occupation of the USA.

Hi all, I've uploaded a collection (link) of about 160 photos and other material from the Trigon occupation of the (then) USA that may be of interest.

These are from April of 1952 during the early stages of Trigonist operations on (what was then) the Continental "United States" and are mostly around the town of Lampasas, which was then the centre of the Military Government in newly independent Texas. Noticeable is the general lack of resistance and even acceptance of the occupation; not surprising given the events that had triggered the war...

Texas was the first of the nine successor states that would replace the "USA" (excluding the territories granted to Mexicalia, Canada and the Siberian Republic).

Also in the folder are some Field Manuals from the old "US" Army (from the late '40s to 1962, just prior to the Great Sundering) and a video clip.

via JREF Forum

mercredi 25 juin 2014

9/11 conspiracy group could force its way onto ballot

Do they really think this will get on the ballot come November?

via JREF Forum

This happens a lot

Heres this raido preacher John Balyo who had a man procure children for him to molest and worse. Why are people who are in the business of religion the most likely to commit this crime?

via JREF Forum

New 'Longitude Prize' challenge announced.

In 1714 John Harrison won the prize for devising a method of keeping accurate time at sea, thus allowing sailors to accurately pinpoint their positions for the first time. His watches not only shortened voyage times but have saved lives since fewer ships were lost at sea.

This year, a new challenge is being offered to the public and the scientific/medical community.

Though the precise details of the challenge are yet to be finalised, it's going to be related to Antibiotic resistance. Here's hoping it's as successful as the original challenge was 300 years ago. And that the winner gets their prize a little more quickly than John Harrison did.

via JREF Forum

North Korea threatens war on US over Kim Jong-un movie

North Korea has promised "merciless" retaliation if a forthcoming Hollywood movie about killing Kim Jong-un is released, say agencies.

A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said in state media that the movie's release would be an "act of war".

via JREF Forum

North Korea Provides Some Laughs.....

With the Iraq situation growing worse by the hour, North Korea provides a few much needed yucks with it's latest stunt:

I guess the North Korean Government must have been out to lunch when "Team America:World Police" opened.

Only question is how long until North Korea's newest and bestest buddy, Dennis Rodman,chimes in.

Big winner in this Seth Rogan. He has just gotten the kind of publicity for this film that no studio could afford to buy.

via JREF Forum

Unanimous SCOTUS Strikes Warrantless Cellpohne Searches

Supreme Court says police must get warrants for most cellphone searches


The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Wednesday that police generally must obtain a warrant before searching the cellphone of someone they arrest, saying it was applying to modern technology the same privacy rights that date back to the nation’s birth.

Modern cellphones “hold for many Americans the privacies of life,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote, in a sweeping opinion that seemed to contain warnings about the government’s ability to monitor the private lives of its citizens.

“The fact that technology now allows an individual to carry such information in his hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which the Founders fought,” he wrote.

Roberts said that in most cases when police seize a cellphone from a suspect, the answer is simple: “Get a warrant.”

From the SCOTUS Blog analysis:


The Court rejected every argument made to it by prosecutors and police that officers should be free to inspect the contents of any cellphone taken from an arrestee. It left open just one option for such searches without a court order: if police are facing a dire emergency, such as trying to locate a missing child or heading off a terrorist plot. But even then, it ruled, those “exigent” exceptions to the requirement for a search warrant would have to satisfy a judge after the fact.

The ruling was such a sweeping embrace of digital privacy that it even reached remotely stored private information that can be reached by a hand-held device — as in the modern-day data storage “cloud.” And it implied that the tracking data that a cellphone may contain about the places that an individual visited also is entitled to the same shield of privacy.

Chief Justice Roberts, delivering the Court's opinion in Riley v. California :


Cell phones differ in both a quantitative and a qualitative sense from other objects that might be carried on an arrestee’s person. Notably, modern cell phones have an immense storage capacity. Before cell phones, a search of a person was limited by physical realities and generally constituted only a narrow intrusion on privacy. But cell phones can store millions of pages of text, thousands of pictures, or hundreds of videos. This has several interrelated privacy consequences. First, a cell phone collects in one place many distinct types of information that reveal much more in combination than any isolated record. Second, the phone’s capacity allows even just one type of information to convey far more than previously possible. Third, data on the phone can date back for years. In addition, an element of pervasiveness characterizes cell phones but not physical records. A decade ago officers might have occasionally stumbled across a highly personal item such as a diary, but today many of the more than 90% of American adults who own cell phones keep on their person a digital record of nearly every aspect of their lives.

The scope of the privacy interests at stake is further complicated by the fact that the data viewed on many modern cell phones may in fact be stored on a remote server. Thus, a search may extend well beyond papers and effects in the physical proximity of an arrestee, a concern that the United States recognizes but cannot definitively foreclose.

via JREF Forum

Is surfing the Deep Web = Getting into deep ******

I have heard a bit here and there from the Deep Web. It's basically, all the bottom of the Internet Iceberg we never get to experience because what we have access to is basically what the Internet providers allow us to see.

At first it sounds really fair that everyone should be able to access the deep web. But then again, there are issues. From what I've heard, entering the deep web is like the equivalent of entering the non-patrolled area of a city. Sure, you may get to see new stuff that doesn't show up on the Tourist panflets.... but you may also end up in a bad neighborhood where maybe, they stab people who are not their color/race/religion.... or you may end up in a part of town that borders the jungle and you may end up getting eaten by a bear.... I don't know. The analogies can only go so far. You get the point.

Has anyone here surfed the deep web and can provide their experiences? Is this something everyone should at least give a try? And if so, what is the best way to do it and what are some of the things to avoid?

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Repubs go full retard - Boener sues Obama

Impending lawsuit over "abuse of executive power"

Well maybe if the most hyper-partisan congress in US History tried to even make a small effort to come to any compromises in the last few years, he wouldn't have to wield an executive order or two.

The state of the republican party today and throughout Obama's tenure is embarassing, and borders on treason.

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Missing drive letter (Vista)

My mother's PC is a Dell D420. It has two physical hard drives.

Both show up in the BIOS boot record.

Both can be found in Windows (late Vista version), but while the principal drive, as you would expect, shows up as "C", the second drive has no drive letter in Windows.

It appears in Disk manager as Basic Disk 1, shows as a "Healthy" Primary partition, but is invisible to the Windows file manager.

This used to be my backup PC and I suspect I did something dim to it, but that's two years ago and I've forgotten what.

Right clicking on the partition in disk manager gives a very restricted drop down menu, with everything except "Properties" greyed out, including the "Change Drive Letter" command.

Anyone have any suggestions as to

1) What I may have done?


2)How to get that drive back?

I'm reluctant to attempt a format (even if I could) as I don't know what data may be on it.

I can try removing it and reading it in another machine, but it would be interesting to learn what might cause the OS to lose track of the drive letter, while still able to see the device.

There's no urgency about it. The PC is 50 miles away and I won't be near it till a week or so from now, but if anyone has suggestions to offer, I'll try them then.

via JREF Forum


Symbolism is the subdued cousin of magic, so they decided the clock of history was wrong when in fact theirs was just slow:

Bolivia congress clock altered to turn anti-clockwise

Wonders one should expect when Nativism combines with the so-called Socialism of the 21st century.

via JREF Forum

Fox News: Funny Last Minute Article Change

This is funny. I'm sure it will be rewritten.

This portion is from half-way through the article until the end.


In the days leading up to the runoff, Cochran, a career politician who has spent 36 years in office, scrambled for votes.

On Sunday, Cochran, 76, and a dozen campaign volunteers greeted hundreds of workers at the Ingalls shipyard on the Gulf Coast. He handed out fliers that said, “Save our Jobs.”

At the event, Cochran shook hands with anyone willing to shake his and said, “I hope you have a nice day.”

But some say it was too little, too late for the veteran lawmaker to chase down his much younger opponent, who turns 42 this week and has already built a strong conservative base.

During Cochran’s shipyard event, The Associated Press reported a man telling the senator, “It’s time for a change, dude. You need to go.”

McDaniel campaigned on the idea that Mississippi needed a younger and more conservative candidate in Washington.

Cochran was elected to the Senate in 1978 and had been the former chairman in the Senate Appropriations Committee. He had not aggressively campaigned before the June 3 primary, a sign some say highlighted a misplaced sense of comfort and confidence from a career politician.

Only seven incumbent senators from either party have lost in primary elections. One was defeated in a state convention; two others happened after incumbents switched parties.

There has only been on pure incumbent defeat since 1994, which came when Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., was taken down politically in the 2012 GOP primary by Richard Mourdock, a Tea Party-backed conservative.

Mourdock ultimately lost in the general election to then- U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly after Mourdock declared pregnancy as a consequence of rape was “something God intended” in a debate.

The defeat of Lugar and Cochran represent what Washington politics used to be – lawmakers who tried to take care of their state even if it meant working with the opposing party.

In a recent interview with PBS NewsHour, Lugar, 82, said he thinks the political landscape in America is changing and not necessarily for the better.

Lugar said he sees similarities between his loss and Cochran’s.

“I think there are many parallels,” he said, noting that “many of the same national groups” who were against him are spending big against Cochran, too; that he was willing to work with Democrats to get things like the Farm Bill passed; and that he was for “continuity.”

Sounds like they're writing up a McDaniel win, right? The headline and the first five or six paragraphs report the Cochran win. I think they were following the TP polls and all the money spent and had a breathless article on the stunning TP victory in Mississippi all ready for release.

via JREF Forum

Atheist? You must be mad

Disturbing story from Nigeria about a man who told his family he does not believe in god and is committed to a mental institute:

via JREF Forum

mardi 24 juin 2014

Birther Nut Joseph Farah Arrested With Gun In Airport

Because why not?


Joseph Farah, the co-founder of the conservative website now known as WND and one of the guiding lights of the birther movement, was caught by TSA agents at Dulles International Airport on Sunday with a loaded .38-caliber revolver in his carry-on bag, according to The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Some questions.

Does carrying a gun onto an airplane qualify one as a gun nut? Or am I simply overreacting to the surge of mass shootings we've been having lately? Either way, what kind of jail time should he receive? And should it be more or less than a radical Muslim would get if he tried the same thing? Finally, what would Joseph Farah say about a radical Muslim who tried to sneak a loaded gun onto a plane?


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Gary Oldman Loves Mel Gibson (but hates Jews?)

"I got an email from the Anti-Defamation League, blasting and condemning what it calls Oldman’s anti-Semitic remarks. Per the release: “The British actor remarked that, ‘Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him.” The ADL says the remarks “irresponsibly feed into a classic anti-Semitic canard about supposed Jewish control of Hollywood and the film industry,” said ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman."

No one questions Sid.:cool:

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Continuation Part Nine: Amanda Knox/Raffaele Sollecito

Mod InfoOnce again, the thread has become quite lengthy, so here is another new continuation thread. This continues from Part Eight. For further reference, see also Part Seven Part Six , Part Five , Part Four , Part Three , Part Two , and Part One .

Posted By:Loss Leader

The quantification of the DNA and the typing are separate processes. The advantage of the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) is that it is specific for human DNA (it uses human specific primers), and is more sensitive (it can measure smaller amounts) than the Qubit. It does however destroy the sample tested, unlike the Qubit. The 50 cycles for quantification are nothing to do with the cycles for typing.

Having taken a sample of your extract of DNA e.g. blood you take a subsample and run it through the RTqPCR. This tells you how much human DNA was in your subsample therefore how much was in your original sample. You then know how much of the original sample you need for typing. The sample for typing is then put through PCR again usually 28 cycles, with specific primers for the areas of interest (short tandem repeat - STR), the product of this replication cycle is then analysed in this case using capillary electrophoresis to size separate the products, and laser tagging to separate out STR of a similar size. The electrophoretogram (EPR) gives the graph, on the Y axis the height of the peaks (technically AUC) give the magnitude of the number of STR copies at a particular size, the x axis is the size of the copy.

The Qubit is old technology it measures DNA in a sample directly, you reversibly label DNA with a fluorescent marker, and the amount of fluorescence then tells you how much DNA is present in the sample. You can then go on and directly do STR typing on that sample. Stefanoni may have had an argument that with a small and unique sample she did not want to waste any by putting some through a destructive test. Of course one does not know before any sample is quantitated how much DNA is present. Arguably for a kitchen knife which might be expected to have non human tissue a human specific measure would have been better. To be fair a negative test for blood would indicate any DNA detected would be low at LCN level.

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